Problem with Egnater Renegade

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A few weeks ago, i bought a Renegade head.
It worked perfectly until a few days ago. Now, after i've played for a little while, the amp starts buzzing/humming, in a strange way. It's almost like when you have your cable is not plugged in to your guitar, and you touch the tip of the cable.
The noice is not there constantly. It's very random, with a few seconds between.

Like: (best example i can come up with)

I can still play while the buzzing is there. The tone remains the same and all. It's just VERY annoying, and i bet you will here it on recordings.

I've checked the cable between the amp and the cab, and switched it. I disconnected the effects in the loop, turn it of, and the same with the reverb. It's noice on both channels.

My only guess is that it might be wrong with the power/electricity in some way? I really have no idea...

Please contact I see the problem has been going on for a few days. Please don't let it go longer and become frustrated. If it makes the noise with no guitar plugged in and no effects in the loop, it will not be a cable or speaker issue. Answering the following questions will be very helpful. Please give this info to Nate also. FYI, very likely a tube. Your accurate answers to these questions will quickly indicate which one (if any) are the culprit.

1) Does the noise stop when the channel volumes are set to 0?
2) Does the noise stop when the MAIN master is set to 0?
I had this problem with my 212, at least it seems like the same symptoms. Long story short, Nate and John took care of everything. For the details you can read my post "Long Jurney Renegade..." You really need to get ahold of those guys, they are the best and will fix you right up. Does this intermittant buzz start after playing for a while? Does the buss stop after placing a fan behind the amp to cool it off? I believe they ended up putting a new amp in my cab. Now it is F'n awsome and I cant get enough of my tone.
Well, i tried to put the volume to 0, both channel and master, and it still buzzed.

Exactly, that's the same problem as i have, since it doesn't start after a while. I haven't tried that thing with the fan though.
But, if they're going to fix my amp, i'll have to ship it a looong way, since i live in Sweden. So that's going to be an even longer journey.

Anyway, i'll contact Nate and see if he can share any words of wisdom.

Maybe there is a place closer to you that can do warrenty work? There is light at the end of the tunnel! Nate should definatly be able to help you out. If all else fails, since you have only had it for a couple of weeks, you can return it.
Where did you purchase it?
Is there any way you can record this noise?
There will be alternatives to shipping it to the US for repair. Contact

You do ned to verify there is nothing in your home that could be causing this noise on the AC power line.
I bought the amp from:

I guess i could record the noice. Yesterday, i sat down for atleast 20 minutes before the the amp started to buzz.

Nate told me to remove the fast-blo fuses, one at a time, and then see if the noice is still there.
I'm not really sure though - What will i achive from doing this?

I guess you know Thomann has a "30 days money-back warranty".They also have a "three years Thomann warranty" on the Renegade.Good luck!
Nate gave me guidance also, but I didn't feel comfortable taking it apart. Thought I would brake something! But, I am fairly close to Cali. Listen to Bruce, these guys are all about making things right! I think I was a huge pain in there butts, but they definatly stand behind there products. I did put a youtube video of the problem on this site and I also sent it to Nate, it helped a bunch.
From the little experience i've had of Egnater customer-service, i gotta tell you that i'm really really impressed.
That the man himself is taking part and helping people on the forums is just awesome. Thanks alot Bruce!!
And it took less than 10 minutes for Nate to mail me back to help me. That's quality service! :lol: :LOL: :thumbsup:

I'm going to keep the mailing up with Nate for a few more days, and maybe we'll, or most probably he, will come up with a solution. If not, i'll just return it to thomann and get another one. No way i'm changing amp!!
