ProMod vs QuickRod

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When I bought my Splawn several years ago the previous owner had converted it from KT88s to EL34s. I've kept it that way because it sounded damn good, and worked for my needs. As my tastes in tone have changed in the past year, I am wondering about converting it back to KT88s to try to get a more "modern" tone from the amp. Has anyone here played an actual ProMod? If so, can you compare it to the QuickRod? I know that the bass will be bigger- though my amp has plenty of bass. Just trying to figure out if it is worth trying.
I have not.

trashedlostfdup or whatever his new name is has but I have not seen him on here in about a year.

Are you talking about the Quick Rod in your signature or did/do you have a Pro Mod? Do someone mod a Quick Rod to KT88s or asked Scott to make them a KT88 Quick Rod and then you bought it? I'm confused. To mod it back to KT88s you would have to do the resistor mod. Maybe try some KT77s first or possibly some different EL34 variants first - like JJ EL34 II's for example.
I own both a 2005 Pro Mod and 2010 with EL34s. I slightly prefer the KT88 PM but that may also have to do with the changes made to the circuit through the years. The PM just has more balls and girth, it’s a total monster. They aren't that different tonally, though. The PM does sound a little more modern with deeper lows and more highs.
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