New member
Hey, dont know if anyone here has any experience in this area but I figured I would try asking here first. Im considering getting a TC Electronics G-System to be used with my Twin Jet. One of the features of this effects unit that I like is that you supposedly can configure it to operate channel switching of an amp and also control other amp functions like engaging the fx loop. Ive tried doing some research on connecting this unit to the Twin Jet to see if it is in fact possible to control both the channel switching and the turning on and off of the fx loop but havent found much in the way of information and the manual from TC Electronics isnt to helpful either. So does anyone have any experience in this area and could you provide some specific info as to what is necessary for connecting the amp to the effect unit to have control of the channels and loop. I would assume it would simply be a matter of using a 1/4" type cable from the "SW Out 1 & 2" jacks on the G-System to the jacks on the amp... Any help and insight would be awesome prior to me moving forward on buying one of these. Thanks!