Question about the Tweaker Effects loop

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Upon doing some research, I have found out that some pedals, specificaly the MXR Carbon Copy, can act up in the Tweaker 15 effects loop. The Tweaker 40 and 88 has the instrument/line level switch. Does this mean the Tweaker 40 and 88 do not have this same issue, or is the problem not related to -10/+4 db?
Do some searching on the forum- This has come up before. In fact I think Bruce actually built a little box to fix these issues...
Len Rabinowitz":36vh9qhw said:
Do some searching on the forum- This has come up before. In fact I think Bruce actually built a little box to fix these issues...

Yep, I know he built a box to fix the issues for the tweaker 15. I was just wondering if the Tweaker 40/88 have the same issue or not since they have an adjustable loop
The 40 and 88 both have a loop level switch on the rear to make them more compatible with the absurdly wide range of effects levels. FYI, there is a simple modification for the Tweaker 15 loop to reduce the level and make sensitive pedals (Carbon Copy etc.) work in the loop. You do not have to purchase the external box!! The loop gadget is for amps that cannot me made to work with easily overloaded pedals.
bruce egnater":2lhed0ld said:
The 40 and 88 both have a loop level switch on the rear to make them more compatible with the absurdly wide range of effects levels. FYI, there is a simple modification for the Tweaker 15 loop to reduce the level and make sensitive pedals (Carbon Copy etc.) work in the loop. You do not have to purchase the external box!! The loop gadget is for amps that cannot me made to work with easily overloaded pedals.

aha! thanks a million Mr. Egnater :thumbsup: