I like this because it really hard to over so it. I’m not a fan of rusty relic’dThat looks great.
I use Ferric Chloride. Gives the same results in about 5-10 seconds. Great stuff.
Just don’t eat it and you should be fine
https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/mg-chemicals/415-500ML/9657989?utm_adgroup=Etching and Fabrication Equipment&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Shopping_Product_Prototyping, Fabrication Products&utm_term=&utm_content=Etching and Fabrication Equipment&gclid=CjwKCAiAhKycBhAQEiwAgf19eslY1vpFS0-YXMcxI6NNOV6lZTkLwjes1icOOeubIh8MEgZ4qZklNxoCqrsQAvD_BwE
Honestly it feels and plays like it looks. I got rid of a lot of guitars after building this thingYou know you kill me every time you show off that yellow Charvel clone. Love that thing.
Not chrome for sure. For covers, obe don’t it several ways. My preferred is to actually go the reverse route. I buy them raw then polish them with 8000 grit clothDoes that work for most any plated finish too? Do you use that on covers?