Rack effects



Well-known member
Is there any dedicated effects only rack unit still made today? As I get money, i’m piecing together a rack rig. Will use synergy modules eventually. Was thinking about using rack mount effects unit. I’m not opposed to buying an older used unit of some sort but wondering if anything new is still out there
Not really. H9000 exists if you got deep pockets. Lexicon PCM96 is purchasable...although I'd never buy one. Behringer FX2000, although I have no clue how good it is. Other than stuff like that, it's most likely gonna have modeling or other additional features. Classic stuff still works and is great, though. There's a TC G-Major 2 on Reverb right now for $275 in great condition. There are a few G-Forces for around $400, too. Nice Intellifex on eBay for $350. I'd look at some of those.
Not really. H9000 exists if you got deep pockets. Lexicon PCM96 is purchasable...although I'd never buy one. Behringer FX2000, although I have no clue how good it is. Other than stuff like that, it's most likely gonna have modeling or other additional features. Classic stuff still works and is great, though. There's a TC G-Major 2 on Reverb right now for $275 in great condition. There are a few G-Forces for around $400, too. Nice Intellifex on eBay for $350. I'd look at some of those.
Yea my pockets can’t reach the eventide or lexicon lol. The Behringer is cheap enough its maybe worth a try. Wouldnt be out much if it sucks lol