Randall Question

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So, I picked up one of these amps used but in seemingly mint condition.

It currently has 6L6s in Channel A and EL34s in Channel B.

I have noticed that, when using Channel B, you can completely kill the volume by turning the knob all the way counterclockwise.

However, when using Channel A, even with the volume control turned all the way down there is some volume/signal. Not a lot, but enough.

Has anyone else experienced this with their RT2/50? Is it normal? I would have expected that by turning the volume knob all the way off, there would be no volume! If it's not normal, any ideas on what the issue is?

Doesn't sound normal to me. Are you running it in switching mode or Stereo mode? 1 set of speakers or more? If in switching mode, do you have the speaker cable plugged into the main output on channel 1?
Switching mode, input into Channel A, output from Channel A into a single Marshall 4 x 12 @ 16 ohms...
I've never seen that. Truthfully, it has been so long since I've seen one of those, I don't know if it "became" normal or not. Maybe one of the other folks here can verify on their ampss for you? If not normal, most likely just a bad pot but..........
Thanks, Bruce. I figure it is probably something small and reasonably easy to fix. I just asked on the off chance you knew for sure from similar, past experience.


My RT2/50 is only a couple of years old. I have 6L6s in Ch1 and 6550s in Ch2. I run it in switching mode.

When I turn the volume on either channel all the way down, the amp's audible output goes to zero.
You could do a quick bias check yourself. I don't know if having your power tubes wildly unbiased would cause what you're describing, but it's quick and free.