Sold Rare amp - 3rd Power Clean Sink 40 combo

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* velcro-fly *

* velcro-fly *

Well-known member
After a bunch of back and forth between amps I’ve decided to use the CSR 40 as a main rig for anything requiring clean tones , going to sell a rare bird 3rd Power Clean Sink 40 combo. When dialed to the full American side its basically the same as the clean channel on my CSR.

Dylana can confirm but I don’t think there are many of these out in the wild running 40 watts, EL34s with both Brown / Black toggle and regular AC + Top Boost. The unique feature is the blend knob here, allowing you to run basically an AC30 with a Fender type variant at the same time (Blackface or Brown) Will get loud AF, massive headroom for its size (especially with an additional speaker cab added) easily keep up with a hard hitting drummer, the Hybrid Master is some secret sauce for sure. Compact little fire breather.

Comes with a padded cover, amp is in spotless near perfect condition

Clean Sink 40 combo
$1475 shipped - no trades





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Wanted to add that Its got an 8ohm, 75 watt Warehouse Retro 30 speaker in it. I did try a Guytron BigTone 55 in it with the blue frame you can see in the photo here but I switched it back out and prefer the Retro 30 for sure. As far as I know I'm the 2nd owner of this amp and the Retro 30 was what it was loaded with when I got it. The Retro handles the blend of the American and AC30 Top Boost tones better which is really the sweet spot with this amp.