RBG dead at 87

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Well-known member
Sad to see someone pass. :no:

I hope Trump and Mitch replace her ASAP :thumbsup: ...you think Kavanaugh was a circus, just wait and watch the liberal heads explode. It’s gonna be fun. :lol: :LOL:
psychodave":1c56m6ue said:
Sad to see someone pass. :no:

I hope Trump and Mitch replace her ASAP :thumbsup: ...you think Kavanaugh was a circus, just wait and watch the liberal heads explode. It’s gonna be fun. :lol: :LOL:

Hopefully they pick someone who doesn't cry during their interview.
... and preferably with an indisputably non-sex-predatory past.

Give the Dems an inch on such matters and they'll take a mile, thwarting / hindering the appointment process.
Monkey Man":19au1y5o said:
... and preferably with an indisputably non-sex-predatory past.

Give the Dems an inch on such matters and they'll take a mile, thwarting / hindering the appointment process.

...given how much Democrats use “anonymous sources”, a new nominee is bound to “have a past.” Look at the bullshit Dr Ford slung at Brett Kavanaugh.
she was a warrior. as someone who had cancer I have nothing but respect for the lady. survived cancer 3 or 4 times and now it got her at what...87? that's grit. Now on the other hand....Let's get another Scalia in there.
Damn that was great timing. Thanks for dying RBG! That was very considerate of you.
psychodave":27xjawgm said:
Monkey Man":27xjawgm said:
... and preferably with an indisputably non-sex-predatory past.

Give the Dems an inch on such matters and they'll take a mile, thwarting / hindering the appointment process.

...given how much Democrats use “anonymous sources”, a new nominee is bound to “have a past.” Look at the bullshit Dr Ford slung at Brett Kavanaugh.

Are you referring to the party that was in Kavanaugh's calendar for July 1, 1982? "Go to Timmy's for skis with Judge, Tom, PJ, Bernie." Upon its discovery in the hearing, we witnessed the point in time when Lindsay Graham started flailing like a wild man and dismissed Rachel Mitchell from asking any more questions on behalf of the Republicans? Yeah, total bullshit. :jerkit:
Donald Trump is 74 dumbass. Mitch McConnell is 78.
I couldn't give a dead rat's ass!


Hey Bubba, that's harsh, man.

She did her best according to her belief system, and therefore deserves credit for givin' it a red-hot go... for many decades. As Steve said, she had grit.

IMHO it's not right to be talkin' so-harshly about her this soon. Yeah, call me a fuddy-duddy, but hey man, I'm old-school all the way baby... I mean, Bubba. :lol: :LOL:
Fuck....socialists are having a meltdown. talking about burning it down and over their dead bodies and such. all over filling her seat. I say let them try it and see what happens. in the words of Ghengis Khan-“I am the punishment of God... If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.”
I gotta remember that one for when peeps say I'm a PITA, Stoivo:

"If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.” :lol: :LOL:
Monkey Man":1efl4mte said:
Hey Bubba, that's harsh, man.

She did her best according to her belief system, and therefore deserves credit for givin' it a red-hot go... for many decades. As Steve said, she had grit.

IMHO it's not right to be talkin' so-harshly about her this soon. Yeah, call me a fuddy-duddy, but hey man, I'm old-school all the way baby... I mean, Bubba. :lol: :LOL:
Sorry brother :aww: :(

The old crusty bitch is a fucking OLD DEAD WHORE!

The idiot spent her entire career trying to destroy our constiution.

WTF! We gave bitches the right to vote, Then we gave the bitches high-speed calculators with electronic memory. And furthermore, we taught the the bitches (& this crusty old dead WHORE) how to use high-speed calculators with electronic memories. They (the bitches) fucking never worked a day of hard labor in their lazy ass baby fat ridden life. And furthermore, the bitches don't belong on the front lines with the men doing all the hard lifting and all the hard dirty work.

When a man (or anyone) wants to get a job done, it takes a good strong man to get that job done EVERY TIME Hombre Mono. :)

Say hello to our new SCOTUS - "The Black Hand" :)


Peace, Love & Tranquility to all that follow law and order. :thumbsup:
Krull":2z9w2ccy said:
Now Pelosi and the Democlowns are thinking of impeaching Trump again over SCOTUS pick. ?
Seriously? :confused:

I guess when your only tool's a hammer, every problem becomes a nail. :doh:

Honestly Hombre Mono, in this day in age if ALL PEOPLE do not understand clearly any abortion as beyond aggravated redundant capital murder ~ as people who prefer to live in a cave following as doctrine the text of a book written 2000 (or whatever #) years ago with more than a wide brush by a MOB of merchants, pimps, engineers, famers, criminals, sheeple then I got nothing. :)

Nicky! In all sincerity, you are the one I follow here in buzz brownies flavor town. :student:


HEYSUES FUCKING LIGHTEN UP PEOPLE. I never know what's gonna coming outta these qwerty-ies and I miss the old Robin & Howard Stern radio days. :)