Well-known member
I'm having a problem re-amping a raw guitar signal and mic'ing up my amp. So at first, I recorded my track with a condenser microphone and then re-recorded it on another track with a dynamic microphone using the same raw signal track. When I looked at the two recorded tracks in Logic Pro, I couldn't quite line up the phases over the entirety of the track because the peaks wandered slowly over the length of the whole song causing weird phasing issues when I panned my tracks - I could hear the audio shifting between the speakers. So then to try and solve it, I set the two microphones up at the same time and recorded both tracks in one go. But still the recorded tracks have the same problem - the peaks and valleys of the two tracks don't line up over the course of the whole track. It slightly goes out of sync. So for example if I line them up at the beginning, middle or end of the track they won't line up somewhere else in later or earlier in the track. Why would this be? Tearing my hair out.
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