Rebel 30 hum on channel 2 only

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark
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New member
Hey all

I know I have seen threads about these types of issues.

Not sure if my issue is different.

Anway, I get a pretty decent hum on my gain channel when I am not playing. And I have the gain normally about 1 o'clock. The higher I turn it up the louder the hum.

The clean channel has no hum at all.

It is just enough to really annoy me between songs, so its a bit more then your "tube amps hum you know"

Can you run me through some trouble shooting on this issue?

One thing is to try different guitars and different cables.

Also, how cranked up is that gain channel compared to the clean channel? If you have the clean channel low and the gain channel cranked, that hum might be there on the clean channel, just hard to hear, while it is way amplified on the gain channel.

Might also be grounding. Try shutting off anything else that is on while you play and plugging in to different outlets, maybe in different rooms and even in different buildings.
Mark":1ptjiv5s said:
Hey all

I know I have seen threads about these types of issues.

Not sure if my issue is different.

Anway, I get a pretty decent hum on my gain channel when I am not playing. And I have the gain normally about 1 o'clock. The higher I turn it up the louder the hum.

The clean channel has no hum at all.

It is just enough to really annoy me between songs, so its a bit more then your "tube amps hum you know"

Can you run me through some trouble shooting on this issue?


Try some different cables.
Spray a few connections.
Make the amp is grounded well.
Make sure u got no strong magnetic fields too close like computers hi-fi etc.
If no better change tubes to these much quieter and better sounding one's.
They were recommended to me by Doug at and they knocked 60-70% off my channel 2 humm.
They give a much smoother clearer tone too

Sovtek 12AX7 WB
Sovtek LP 12AX7
2x Penta 12AX7
Ruby 12AX7AC5 Select

Power Amp
2x JJ EL84
2x Electro Harmonix 6V6,
Thanks for the replies.

I have the clean and dirty channels set for the same volume. Also, checked all my connections, and plugged into several different outlets and different rooms. Still no change.

I don't know too much about the innder workings of the amp;
So, could it be just the pre-amp tubes that run to the dirty channel?
Or are there even different tunes for the clean and dirty channels?

Anyway just looking for a cheap quick fix, so if I coud l just swap out a preamp tube or two, would that be my best low cost option?