Renegade and Angry Troll

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I'm thinking about buying the Way Huge Angry Troll to put in front of my Renegade 2x12 as a clean boost or "extra dirt" pedal, anyone have experience with these pedals?
First, I assume you posted the question because you're already using the second master volume on the amp for some other function -- otherwise that would be my first obvious and logical recommendation.

Regarding this pedal -- I have no experience with this particular pedal. But, for what it's worth, I can tell you that I have tried this in the past many times and never had any success in getting a solid clean boost from putting any type of "boost pedal", EQ, or other device into the front of any amp. There's a technical explanation for this that I can't articulate, but my understanding is that the input jack on an amplifier is very limited in terms of how much influence it can have on the volume of the amplifier. It will work, but to a very limited extent.

My advice is to put an EQ pedal through the FX loop. That seems to work extremely well.
ronmail65":wmn9ui2f said:
First, I assume you posted the question because you're already using the second master volume on the amp for some other function -- otherwise that would be my first obvious and logical recommendation.

Regarding this pedal -- I have no experience with this particular pedal. But, for what it's worth, I can tell you that I have tried this in the past many times and never had any success in getting a solid clean boost from putting any type of "boost pedal", EQ, or other device into the front of any amp. There's a technical explanation for this that I can't articulate, but my understanding is that the input jack on an amplifier is very limited in terms of how much influence it can have on the volume of the amplifier. It will work, but to a very limited extent.

My advice is to put an EQ pedal through the FX loop. That seems to work extremely well.

There's a huge tonal difference between a second master volume (basically changing the input to the power section) and a boost up front (boosting the input to the preamp). While pushing the preamp will have a pretty big tonal impact, you would hope that switching on a different master volume would not affect tone one bit, just volume.

I've never tried the angry Troll, but if it sounds good to you, then it's the perfect choice!
I've never been a fan of boosting in front of the amp. Many do it and like it. I don't. I will second the eq in the loop. Not only can you boost your volume to what ever level you like, you can also shape it so it will sound like a completely different channel.

Clearly, this won't change the gain, but it is quite functional.

Otherwise, get the pedal you have your eye on and experiment.

Good luck.
I've used a lower gain OD pedal (Barber LTD) in front of a dirty amp for a long time. It's more of just a good way of changing the gain character, not necessarily adding a ton more gain, just a little extra saturation and sustain. I think it works quite well in front of the right amp/channel.
????what's with the comments. Boosting has always resulted in great tones for me. As for the pedal mentioned I have no experience with that one. The renegade takes boost well, but it seems to be a little more picky IMO. I tried several and the bad monkey works beat for me. And its cheap :)
dan desy":1zz56rnh said:
ronmail65":1zz56rnh said:
First, I assume you posted the question because you're already using the second master volume on the amp for some other function -- otherwise that would be my first obvious and logical recommendation.

Regarding this pedal -- I have no experience with this particular pedal. But, for what it's worth, I can tell you that I have tried this in the past many times and never had any success in getting a solid clean boost from putting any type of "boost pedal", EQ, or other device into the front of any amp. There's a technical explanation for this that I can't articulate, but my understanding is that the input jack on an amplifier is very limited in terms of how much influence it can have on the volume of the amplifier. It will work, but to a very limited extent.

My advice is to put an EQ pedal through the FX loop. That seems to work extremely well.

There's a huge tonal difference between a second master volume (basically changing the input to the power section) and a boost up front (boosting the input to the preamp). While pushing the preamp will have a pretty big tonal impact, you would hope that switching on a different master volume would not affect tone one bit, just volume.

I've never tried the angry Troll, but if it sounds good to you, then it's the perfect choice!

Maybe I went in the wrong direction with my post -- I was addressing how to achieve a solid clean boost -- e.g., an increase in volume. If you're looking to change the character of your sound, add grit, etc.... not so much concerned about a measurable increase in volume. Well then this Troll pedal or some other front-end solution might be what you're looking for.
11justin22":y61oxtjv said:
????what's with the comments.

Can't speak for the other posters, but I was simply responding to the o.p. with my experience and recommendations.
I owned an Angry Troll.

1. I had high hopes.
2. It's not a plain vanilla boost/od.
3. It has tons of colour and character.
4. It has a bitey high midrange.
5. You might like it. You might not. I'm thinking it would mesh well with the darker nature of the Renegade.
6. They are cheap as hell, and hard to sell. I traded mine away.
Thanks for all the great feedback. I had forgotten about the Main 2 which definitely answers the clean boost goal although a bit differently than I thought. After experimenting with it last night, the Main 2 seemed to crank up the volume without changing the gain structure at all. (Pretty much what the manual says)

So I was still thinking about a overdrive to add some bite to channel 2. I run CH 2 near the "soft compression" settings in the book and want to be able to get to a chunkier sound without losing the mid's and highs and without going back to amp controls. (gunslingers' points 3, 4, & 5 essentially

One of my PRS' has 3 humbuckers so I experimented with that and was able get there and then some by activating the middle p/up.

More tonal bliss from this amp!
Go to Guitar Center and grab an MXR CLassic Overdrive for $40.

It's still one of my favorites, and it works well with my M4.