Renegade and Line 6 M13

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Len Rabinowitz

Len Rabinowitz

New member
Got the Renegade 212 and the Line 6 M13. A few questions for the experts out there:

1. The Renegade doesn't have the send and return level controls for the loop that the Tourmaster had. So, if I turn up the gain on whatever channel I am on, am I increasing the output to the M13 which is in the loop? I am assuming that I am and that would impact the sound of the M13.

2. What is a "buffered" loop? The Renegade says it has a buffered loop but I don't know what that is.

3. The Renegade manual is a little weird on the loop. It says "We discourage players from using pedals in a loop." Are they saying you shouldn't put effects in the effects loop? What's up with that? If you didn't use it for effects what would you use it for?

4. What are some of the ways you guys use the M13? I plug into the amp direct and put the M13 in the loop. What are some of the other wirings you guys use? I have one row of effects for filtering, one for reverb (don't need that anymore because the Renegade has a much nicer reverb than the Tourmaster did) one for delay effects, and one for chorusing type things. How do you guys set it up? Anybody using four cable method?

Anybody willing to share their great ideas?


:) :D :yes: :thumbsup: :confused: :cry: :scared: :doh: :rock: :2thumbsup: :worship: :poke: :shocked: :inlove: :loco: :cheers: :D/ :salute:
Len Rabinowitz":14lxrua4 said:
Got the Renegade 212 and the Line 6 M13. A few questions for the experts out there:

1. The Renegade doesn't have the send and return level controls for the loop that the Tourmaster had. So, if I turn up the gain on whatever channel I am on, am I increasing the output to the M13 which is in the loop? I am assuming that I am and that would impact the sound of the M13.

2. What is a "buffered" loop? The Renegade says it has a buffered loop but I don't know what that is.

3. The Renegade manual is a little weird on the loop. It says "We discourage players from using pedals in a loop." Are they saying you shouldn't put effects in the effects loop? What's up with that? If you didn't use it for effects what would you use it for?

4. What are some of the ways you guys use the M13? I plug into the amp direct and put the M13 in the loop. What are some of the other wirings you guys use? I have one row of effects for filtering, one for reverb (don't need that anymore because the Renegade has a much nicer reverb than the Tourmaster did) one for delay effects, and one for chorusing type things. How do you guys set it up? Anybody using four cable method?

Anybody willing to share their great ideas?


:) :D :yes: :thumbsup: :confused: :cry: :scared: :doh: :rock: :2thumbsup: :worship: :poke: :shocked: :inlove: :loco: :cheers: :D/ :salute:
Hi,Len ! I will try to help but i don't own a Line6 M13...
  • 1.In the manual,they explain very well how to achieve "unity gain" with the loop and that's what you need.Anyway, usually, the channel volume acts as a send ( for the reverb as well),not the gain.
  • 2.The "buffer" will just help to maintain the signal's strength and,when it's good,will add some warmth to the sound (tube).Good thing :) .
  • 3.No,no,it's not weird ;) .They just say,you should preferably use a good quality effect device, like a effect rack,as opposed to a cheap stompbox in the loop.The loop is not best suited for cheap stompboxes.Of course,your M13 is a quality effect device..
  • 4.As i told you,i don't own a M13 but if you're using the OD or DS on it,it will be better plugged in front of the amp.If you don't,the loop should be fine (Delay,chorus,reverb & filter).I know many guys who use the M13 plugged in front and they like it.But the 4CM is also very good but more complex..Try to find what works best for you.
Good luck,it should sound great !!!! :rock:
Thanks! It sounds good, I am just starting to work with it for the first time. I kind of assumed that they meant "don't use a twenty dollar stomp box" but it wasn't very clear. That's good to know that it is the channel volume and not the gain that will get me to unity gain.

Yeah, I guess my question ins what effects would go in front of the amp and what would go in the loop. So far, I haven't really used any of the distortions or compressors, but I want to try them since I kind of find two channels a little limiting after the Tourmaster.

Where would a wah go? In front?

Anybody got any cool settings to share?
I use an M9 with my Renegade, so I have useful experience.
you ask a lot of questions that I never even wondered about, which is good...
But my setup sounds great.

The M9 doesn't have the loop so I just use it completely in the Renegade's loop and don;t use any of the OD/Dist/Comp effects on it.
However, those, and the filter effects such as Wah, should be in front of the amp.
The "classic" chain is:

Wah, Compressor, ODs/Dist, Phasers.... in that order in front.
Then, in the loop you have Modulation, Delays and Reverbs.

That's a good starting point, but you might want to experiment to some extent, especially in front of the amp.
Hmmm... I'll try it,but why would a phaser go in front, but modulation go in the loop?
A phaser doesn't play with pitch the way modulation effects do. A phaser is more of a filter-type effect.
That being said, I run the phaser on my M9 through the loop with acceptable results. I'm just saying that it may be "preferable" to have it in front.
I've used the M13 with different amps (not the Renegade) and, depending on what you need, found it works great using the 4CM. All depends how much effect you need up front, how much modulation/time, and where you place the loop. I find that putting the loop between 1 and 2, having one "stomp" up front and the rest for modulation & gating provides tremendous flexibility. Definitely RTFM. The only complaint I have with the M13 is the MIDI implementation.
What is RTFM?

What issues are you having with MIDI? I find the loop will not always stay in time with the drum machine.
Read the F!@^#& Manual

Using the M13 doesn't work very well as a controller--I find that the MIDI implementation on that unit doesn't really work like I need and/or would have expected.
OK, thanks. Have you ever found that if you do a loop with a drum machine the loop eventually drifts off time? I know loops are tricky but I think I am pretty good with it. Sometimes it seems like MIDI isn't locking things together tightly...