New member
Okay, I know the answer to this. "Bruce is right." I'm still going to ask anyway.
Why are the bias currents for the Renegade listed so high? I bias my other amp at a little more than 1/2 what is listed in the Renegade manual. I would think with two 6L6's, the bias would be closer to 43 mA for 70%.
My other amp with 2 6L6's sounds really sweet at that spot, and that's pretty close to how it came from the manufacturer. I have no idea what the actual plate voltage and power dissapation of the tubes are, as Bugera doesn't list their specs. 43 mA was taken from a forum and was very close to the factory setting.
Still 70+ mA seems too high. The only explanation I have heard is that you have to double the value you would calculate for one tube. That would make 43 mA really hot for one tube (I'm assuming 25+ Watts, 450+ V Plate) but really cool for two.
Are Bruce's bias currents typical for two valve power sections? I swear I have never heard before of bias currents being multiplied by the number of tubes. I'm fairly new to this though. The Renegade sounds ablsolutely great at factory bias. I'm just afraid that I'm going to be replacing tubes every 6-8 months.
Why are the bias currents for the Renegade listed so high? I bias my other amp at a little more than 1/2 what is listed in the Renegade manual. I would think with two 6L6's, the bias would be closer to 43 mA for 70%.
My other amp with 2 6L6's sounds really sweet at that spot, and that's pretty close to how it came from the manufacturer. I have no idea what the actual plate voltage and power dissapation of the tubes are, as Bugera doesn't list their specs. 43 mA was taken from a forum and was very close to the factory setting.
Still 70+ mA seems too high. The only explanation I have heard is that you have to double the value you would calculate for one tube. That would make 43 mA really hot for one tube (I'm assuming 25+ Watts, 450+ V Plate) but really cool for two.
Are Bruce's bias currents typical for two valve power sections? I swear I have never heard before of bias currents being multiplied by the number of tubes. I'm fairly new to this though. The Renegade sounds ablsolutely great at factory bias. I'm just afraid that I'm going to be replacing tubes every 6-8 months.