Renegade Head very Loud Buzz/Humm only used 2 months

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I have only played it for about 2 months if even that, had no problems up till now....

went to turn it on to play today and was hit by huge loud buzzing....

unplugged all my pedals....and its now a hummm/hiss

it does not buzz with the volume all the way down

its a very loud hum/buzz definantly not something I can use in any way....

any ideas....

thank you....dont want to have to send this amp back bought it 6 months ago and just finally got my studio set up in our new home we recently purchased, have only played the amp for the last 2 months, never played it before that.....

bought it through sweet water brand new roughly 6 months rid of the I hope I dont have to send it back...did not think I would need it....

please help this is the only amp I have guitar playing going on now.
making very loud poping when I plug guitar in or unplug it......

it also picked up my hand rubbing across a lamp switch across the room.....

I have tried plugging it in different rooms in the house still the same....

had no issues until earlier this evening when I went to play....turned it on and LOUD buzzing.....

hardly think an amp head that cost $999 should crap out after 2 months use.....

very disappointed and getting antsy...calling Eagnater today....
Tried calling Egnater today no one picks up left a message on their answering machine after 5 attempts to get a human....starting to regret making this buy....

too bad because I was head over heels loving the tone and versatility and it worked great with my Strymon timeline and Eventide space running into the front end....tried the effects loop but didnt dig the sound as much.

double checked the amp again today in hopes that maybe my house had some kind of ground issue.....but nope the amp is making such a loud buzz it is unusable, especially loud on channel 2

know its not my gear I have high grade furman surge protection and all high end pedals everything hooked up properly...with top quality cables

hope Egnater makes things right, heard many horror stories of guys sending amps out for repair only to get it back and have to send it out weeks later....

what kills is this is my only amp so now Im left with $5000 grand in boutique pedals collecting dust next to my custom guitar....guess I should have spent more on my amp huh....

waiting on you to have it replaced so I can still actually play sometime soon....certainly leary of the whole send it in and get it fixed bit...though I did send in my warranty card...

please dont tell me this was made in China
My guess would be tubes. If you're getting micro phonics (tubes picking up like small microphones) AND a loud buzz...I'd check the tubes. Tap on each one lightly with a pencil with the amp on, and if the tapping comes through the speaker on a particular tube, that tube is bad.

Also, check your outlet. And try a different outlet. If the power the amp is getting is dirty, it can cause that 60cycle hum, and if that lamp on the other side of the room is on the same circuit, that could explain it. Have you tried unplugging the lamp? I know that sounds crazy
Yes aware of all the issues you mentioned, have unplugged all lamps and electronics for comparison, tried different outlets etc. not messing with the tubes, says trying to repair it myself, voids the warranty....never had this issue before, cant imagine power has changed so dramatically over night, though know stranger things have happened....

contacted Bruce tonight via e-mail and wow, right on it, also contacted Sweetwater and they too are on it, only problem Im concerned with at this point is the Idea of having to send a head in fro repair that has only been used for 2 months, seems like a sign of bad things to come, definantly not a piece of gear I will feel secure owning, Im going to see if they will exchange it for a new one, I really like the Head when its working it is awesome, so Im hoping they will send me a new one and let me send the old one back in the box they send, so I can keep playing....sure would say alot about Sweetwater and Egnater thats for sure.

anyway, gotta give Kudos to Egnater, Bruce the CEO wrote me back a.s.a.p. as well as did Phil down at Sweetwater so Im feeling alot better knowing its being handled as well as it could be, certainly cant knock any company that steps up like that.

Thank you Bruce, and thank you Phil, you guys get an A+ in my book.
Changing the tubes will not in any way void your warranty, and it's almost certainly the tubes from the description that you have given.

It is likely that one (or more) of the tubes is microphonic - to test turn on the amp, click off standby and tap each preamp tube (gently with a pencil) in turn from the V1 tube onwards (tube layout will be on the Egnater website), when you hit the one that's gone you will know as there will be an intensification of the symptoms. Once located swap out the offending tubes and you should be good to go.

If none of the preamp tubes respond then the next logical step is to change the power tubes out and re-bias them - hope this helps - let us know how you get on with the preamp tubes in the first instance!

If you own tube amps this is going to happen from time to time ;-)
If the noise is on both channels, and the gain knobs DO affect it, V1 is really the only tube that would cause it. Try changing V1 first. Also, I know the problem only occurs when the guitar is plugged in. Does the buzz stop when you turn the guitar volume knob down?


Hey guys thanks for the tips, Buzz does not go away when guitar is turned down, but it does disappear when the gain knobs are turned down so I think it sounds like it may be a bad preamp tube then in the V1 position, thank you for that Bruce and for the schematic.

I will get back to you guys when I get a tube to replace it, Im not so worried anymore and I apologize if I was a bit distraught on first learning of the issue, this is my first tube amp so my experience is nill, but I do know that tubes can be finicky and go bad or even be bad brand new on occasion so I hold no fault with the amp or Egnater.

Had I not been up for 24 hours monkeying around with other gear before I learned of the Buzz I dont think I would have been so worried, but I really do like this Head a whole lot so you gotta understand that a guy gets worried when his baby is sick. :D

Anyway I will post back when I am able to swap the tubes, and yes, I know I should always have a set of tubes on hand just in case (and Bruce even lets you know that in the manual) so its not like I wasn't told, but who listens to dad when he tells you the right answer the first time anyway... :D

Tubes will be my next purchase, I'm thinking a matched quad of 6550's and of course the six 12ax7's matched triodes and balanced ala: anyone care to chime in on really good brands they swear by.

I would also like to know can I run KT88's in the Renegade Head and if so can anyone reccomend a bias setting ?

Thanks again Bruce and webrthomson, the tips will no doubt come in handy in the future, and I will be educating myself on tube amp care etc.

seems between buying pedals, working on effects, buying recording gear and learning that, building guitars and playing, now a new power conditioner (seemed appropriate being introduced to the possibilities of interference)Oh and I just star grounded my whole music gear chain which I just learned about,studying music and listening to the classics, and of course theres a whole slew of stuff I didnt even think to throw in, not to mention the wife and kids, jeesh its a wonder I even play at
Just wanted to touch base in case there was anyone following this thread out of concern for their Renegade Head.

As it turns out 2 different techs one being from Egnater have both stated that they believe the buzz to be a preamp tube, and from all I have read on possible issues including in the frequently asked question section of: it sounds to more than likely be a preamp tube which will be a no biggie in the scheme of tube amps and performance concerns, and falls under routine maintenance so I am not so worried anymore.

I will not be doing the tube inspect until later next weekend around the 25th of January so for anyone waiting with bated breath be patient.

What I have done in hopes of minimizing any possible future issues, or at least in narrowing down any possibles should I need to look further or for future reference is.

1. I Star grounded my studio gear which helps to eliminate or minimize ground loops that could contribute to or create interference in the signal chain, plenty of info on the net on this if your interested in learning about it.

2. I just picked up a Monster Power Center Pro 3500 power conditioner, which I will be running all my gear through in hopes of eliminating noise and interference in the signal chain of my gear and minimize energy spikes, many people swear by this and claim their tube amps are as (quiet as a mouse) as one user noted, of course there are those that claim power conditioners are a myth that do absolutely nothing...don't care and don't want to debate it, thought I would make my own educated guess by getting one and trying it out myself, at the very least I have a single power source to power up and power down all of my gear with the push of a single button, hell that's practically worth the $260 price tag that Phil at Sweetwater was kind enough to offer me.

3. Paid a certified electrician from a very reputable company to completely inspect the power coming into our house, and do diagnostics on all the outlets and have learned that I have a designated power outlet as well as 4 - 20amp wall outlets in my studio so I now know there is plenty of power for what I need and use, so I can be rest assured its not a ground issue or anything related to our home which we just purchased and moved into at the end of October 2013.

4. I completely rewired my main guitar with new premium CTS pots and Orange drop Caps 22uf bridge, 15uf Neck, thin 26 gauge wire for minimum loading and grounded the whole circuit using star grounding and is fully shielded with copper foil through out the entire body and pickup cavity, and am waiting for my set of Seymour Duncan Antiquity humbuckers to arrive sometime around Friday which is why I am waiting to pull tubes and test, wanted to be absolutely sure I left no stone unturned and that its not a wiring issue or ground problem in the guitar, and though I am almost certain it is not, I wanted to do all of these things at one point or another anyway, so this incident just kind of pushed me to do what i have been putting off.

5. Today I opened up the back of my closed back 2 x 12 cab that I had made by Mojotone for my Renegade Head, its loaded with Celestion V30's for 16ohms and I happened to find the speaker jack very very loose, as in I turned the nut off with my fingers (could that cause any popping or scratching ?) don't know but, it sure dosn't hurt that I tightened that up.

So all in all I have done all that I can think of to eliminate the need to look outside the amp as a concern and everything I can to minimize any causes of interference that may affect my amp or gear in the future which has left me feeling a whole lot better about everything, and I am confident that once I do replace all of my tubes when ever that may be I should by all accounts and purposes have alot of years of quality studio time to look forward to.

I will post back sometime later next week to note my findings and wether or not it was necessary to change out any tubes or just clean the contacts and reseat them, Im also going to do a bias adjustment on the power tubes so I can know myself what the setting is there.

I encourage anyone new to tube amp maintenance like myself to get yourself an education online, as the info available is very informative and interesting, and will hopefully prevent me from making alot of tube amp maintenance mistakes that I already know I would have made in just handling or seating new tubes not to mention in setting the bias.
Yep V1 it was, nothing more than a preamp tube gone bad, Thanks Bruce love my Egnater head and its in tip top shape once again...yay!!

I will make sure to keep extra tubes on hand lesson learned.

Love the tonal variations on this head, for the price it can't be beat, a Marshall and a Fender all in one amp, no doubt what Bruce had in mind when he built it, love to stay and chat, but Im back in business so Im going to play guitar .... :D

p.s. also installed a set of Seymour Duncan Antiquity humbuckers, 8.42k Bridge and 7.52K neck I have finally found the perfect set for my taste, I love love love these humbuckers, clear and sweet like a great single coil, with just enough bite to sting and sing the blues, the good Lord has shined down on me, thank you Jesus, tone to die for, and thank you Seymour Duncan for creating the perfect blues humbucker.

I would also like to add that the whole reason I bought the Renegade head was because I love blues and blues based classic rock and always loved Fender tones and Marshall tones equally from that era, so when I went looking for a good amp head I found myself stuck, I love Fender cleans but didnt want to get stuck with just Fender cleans, and I love Marshall grit, but also wanted Fender cleans, and then I came across the Renegade head and saw that it was two amp heads in one, using 6L6 tubes in the clean channel 1 and EL34 tubes in the overdrive channel 2, and I thought wow! that makes sense why hasn't that been done before, thus I settled on the Renegade because I couldn't settle on just Fender or just Marshall, and now I have both Fender era and bluesbreaker Marshall era blues tones at my finger tips and am very happy with my choice. (oh and I didnt have to break the bank to boot, some of these other outrageously priced amp makers should take a clue.)