Renegade Head

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New member
Hi I'm new here and have just bought my first tube amp. I got the Renegade with the tourmaster 2X12 cab, first off I think the amp sounds awesome but I have a question.

When I switch it off it makes these pinging sounds, I'm pretty sure it's coming from the tubes. Is this normal for tube amps? Does anyone else's renegade head do it?
Hey, gavatia,...good mornin'!!!
Mine did that too,... bought mine about 4 mos. ago...seemed to be coming from the stock Sovtek 5881's.
Didn't seem to affect anything sound wise...but just within last couple of days switched to some Ruby 6l6's.
Marked improvement in tone on the clean side, now.
Just a note, too...I asked this same Ques. on Harmony Central and folks there told me this is normal for tubes to do that as they cool down at times. Don't want "pops" or "crackles though.... LOL!
Have a good one, man
Also When viewing from the back the 2 tubes on the right are quite dim they are about half the brightness of the 2 on the left. This is regardless of where I have the tube mix dial set.
Mine is the same. The EL34's burn brighter than the 6L6's. I checked the bias with a multimeter and it was properly set for both as suggested by the manual. I figure that's just a normal difference between the two types of tubes. The 6L6 tubes in my peavey 6505+ burn at the same brightness as the two in my renegade so I figured everything was fine and dandy. Maybe someone with some expertise on this subject can jump in and elaborate.

And yeah I hear little clicks also after shutting it off. It's the amp cooling down.
Thanks for the replies guys. Does yours do that pinging sound the second you switch it on as well, when mine is switched on within about 5 seconds it starts doing it from absolute cold. Is this normal as well, Just the amp warming up?
If you mean the sound, like a lot switches clicking, just after you have turned the amp on, that's the capacitors charging up, most valve amps do it, the Renegade just does it LOUD. Your "pinging sounds" is just the tubes cooling, the same as the ticking from a cooling bike engine, nothing to be worried about. it's better to ask than say "yeah it was making that sound before it blew up". Love my Renegade BIGTIME, best amp I've ever owned, this forum is awesome too, no bitching, no haters. welcome to the club dude.
Thanks for replying and that's what I thought. I'd just rather hear it confirmed so I know it's not faulty. The amp is absolutely amazing.
At the risk of asking a stupid question- Do you turn t he thing on and off properly? I turn my Renegade on in standby and let it warm up a bit before putting it into play. I also put it into standby before shutting it down. I don't think I have ever heard this sound coming out of mine.
Yea, I always put it into standby and let it warm up. The pinging sound starts around 5 seconds after the amp is put into standby and continues when its switched on for about 10 minutes, then it stops completely when its fully warmed up. It then does the exact same sound again when its put back into standby, after its been played and is cooling down.

The sound is almost certainly coming from the tubes I'd say, it sounds like the glass expanding or something, kinda like a tinkling sound. I'm further guessing that it's a case where some tubes make that sound and some don't, and maybe even varying degrees in between.
Am I correct in thinking this? I've never owned a tube amp before so it's all new to me. Do tubes sometimes make these weird sounds on warm up and cool down?
It's just the metal plates inside the valves expanding and contracting as the valves are getting hot when your amps switched on and cooling when you switch off, it's normal.