RFK Jr: The ‘New World Order’ Are Already Rigging the 2024 Election

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I think anybody with a functioning brain already knows this

Democratic presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has warned that the ‘New World Order’ has already begun the process of rigging the 2024 election to ensure Joe Biden wins by hook or by crook.

RFK Jr. declared “The DNC, at this point, has taken the official position that there will be no debate, and I think that’s unfortunate… I think what the DNC did to New Hampshire is also unfortunate.”

“President Biden didn’t do well there [New Hampshire]; he came in fifth. So they took New Hampshire, and they kicked it out of first place. And now they’re gonna say — they’re saying that they’re going to completely remove the delegates from New Hampshire, and that, we should be at this point in history,” RFK Jr. added.

He pointed out that New Hampshire has always been the first state to vote in primaries because it is a “gold standard” of election integrity and “an exemplar for American democracy.”

“It’s very cheap to campaign in. And it has the largest independent block in the country. And people [don’t] make their minds up until they see the candidates again and again and again, and they shake the candidate’s hands five times before deciding who to vote for,” Kennedy Jr. said.

“They vet these candidates for the whole country, they vet them like you would get vetted if you were running for a city council seat,” he pointed out, adding “You have to go in, and handshake people and nail salons and diners, and you get grilled. These candidates get grilled by an 80-year-old woman who reads The Economist and reads the Financial Times every day.”

“New Hampshire is the one place where you got to do retail politics, you cannot escape,” he claimed.

“When you have so many Americans who are concerned about election integrity, we should be doing everything we can in our party to show that, you know, this is not rigged, rigged system. That it is actually democracy… and they’re [the DNC] doing kind of the opposite.”

“There’s too many Americans who already think that the whole system is rigged against them. And this is confirmation of that. And I think that’s troubling,” continued.

Election integrity is the major issue in 2024, given the outcome of the 2020 election and the fact that some 60 percent of US voters say it’s likely that ‘cheating’ affected the outcome of the 2022 midterm elections.

RFK Jr. has been welcomed as a candidate, with almost two thirds of Democrats saying they want to see challengers to Biden, and a majority of Democrats saying they do not want another Biden term.

Last week when Kennedy officially launched his campaign he spoke about the failures of the deep state and his opposition to the rampant expansion of the military industrial complex.

Kennedy also noted about how his father Robert F. Kennedy was effectively exiled by the Democratic establishment during his 1968 presidential campaign, but still managed to unite the country.

“During this campaign and during my administration my objective will be to make as many Americans as possible forget that they are Republicans or Democrats and remember that they are Americans,” Kennedy vowed.

I think anybody with a functioning brain already knows this

Democratic presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has warned that the ‘New World Order’ has already begun the process of rigging the 2024 election to ensure Joe Biden wins by hook or by crook.

RFK Jr. declared “The DNC, at this point, has taken the official position that there will be no debate, and I think that’s unfortunate… I think what the DNC did to New Hampshire is also unfortunate.”

“President Biden didn’t do well there [New Hampshire]; he came in fifth. So they took New Hampshire, and they kicked it out of first place. And now they’re gonna say — they’re saying that they’re going to completely remove the delegates from New Hampshire, and that, we should be at this point in history,” RFK Jr. added.

He pointed out that New Hampshire has always been the first state to vote in primaries because it is a “gold standard” of election integrity and “an exemplar for American democracy.”

“It’s very cheap to campaign in. And it has the largest independent block in the country. And people [don’t] make their minds up until they see the candidates again and again and again, and they shake the candidate’s hands five times before deciding who to vote for,” Kennedy Jr. said.

“They vet these candidates for the whole country, they vet them like you would get vetted if you were running for a city council seat,” he pointed out, adding “You have to go in, and handshake people and nail salons and diners, and you get grilled. These candidates get grilled by an 80-year-old woman who reads The Economist and reads the Financial Times every day.”

“New Hampshire is the one place where you got to do retail politics, you cannot escape,” he claimed.

“When you have so many Americans who are concerned about election integrity, we should be doing everything we can in our party to show that, you know, this is not rigged, rigged system. That it is actually democracy… and they’re [the DNC] doing kind of the opposite.”

“There’s too many Americans who already think that the whole system is rigged against them. And this is confirmation of that. And I think that’s troubling,” continued.

Election integrity is the major issue in 2024, given the outcome of the 2020 election and the fact that some 60 percent of US voters say it’s likely that ‘cheating’ affected the outcome of the 2022 midterm elections.

RFK Jr. has been welcomed as a candidate, with almost two thirds of Democrats saying they want to see challengers to Biden, and a majority of Democrats saying they do not want another Biden term.

Last week when Kennedy officially launched his campaign he spoke about the failures of the deep state and his opposition to the rampant expansion of the military industrial complex.

Kennedy also noted about how his father Robert F. Kennedy was effectively exiled by the Democratic establishment during his 1968 presidential campaign, but still managed to unite the country.

“During this campaign and during my administration my objective will be to make as many Americans as possible forget that they are Republicans or Democrats and remember that they are Americans,” Kennedy vowed.

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But, but, he's a liberal ! Are you saying you agree with him ???

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump: The Left-Right Punch to Corporatist Fascism​

Corporatism, with its offspring Fascism and Nazism, is supported by totalitarians of the left and the right and its libertarian opponents also spring from the left and the right. On “the left” both “communists” and “welfare socialists” oppose corporatism and on “the right” democratic enterprise capitalists and small businesses fight corporatism.

The almost total irrelevance of the notions of “left” and “right” I set out in my 1988 book The Emancipated Society, advocating in place of the “horizontal” left right paradigm the “vertical” authoritarian-libertarian axis.

We now have in the USA two Presidential candidates who cut across the corrupted party system which – in all so called “democratic” western countries – have combined in a corporatist conspiracy against their peoples, giving them a vote but no choice.

The US Presidential system gives the people a better chance of voting for a complete philosophical change – or at least openly challenge the status quo. And at last we now have on both the traditional “left” (Democrat Party) and the traditional “right” (the Republican Party) individuals who threaten the corporatist Establishment – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump.

In his recent presidential candidacy launch speech in Boston Kennedy lambasted:

  • the partnerships of corporations and governments to swindle and gaslight the public;
  • the reckless military adventurism-for-profit campaign that has bankrupted the USA, now culminating in the Ukraine fiasco;
  • the botched response to Covid-19 and the corporate chicanery that induced it;
  • the financial corruption that is driving America into inflation and bankruptcy.
He recognises the State corporate axis which is increasingly unchallengeable democratically and the politicised media which silence dissent and alternatives in policy, science, intellectual life and medicine.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Running for President in 2024
Like Donald Trump, who was banned from Twitter, Kennedy was banned from Youtube and Instagram. Trump was a reluctant COVID “Lockdowner’ and Kennedy points to the terrible consequences for health – lockdowns were:

“a war on American children,” citing a Brown University study that found toddlers lost 22 IQ points. “Children all over the country have missed their milestones” because of the lockdowns. “What is the CDC’s response? The CDC five months ago revised its milestones so that now a child no longer is expected to walk at 1 year … they walk at 18 months. And a child now does not have to have 50 words in 24 months, it’s 30 months. So instead of fixing the problem, they are trying to cover it up.”

Just as Donald Trump has been the victim of provenly fallacious deep state and msm scams like the Steele dossier, the Russian interference lie and “the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation” lie (as Mike Morell a former CIA director has just admitted) so Kennedy is accused of being an “anti vaxxer” and peddler of “misinformation”.

Kennedy reminded his audience of his father’s and his uncle’s treatment by the Deep state which they both sought to oppose and bring under democratic control – and both paying with their lives. John F. Kennedy had threatened “to shred the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the four winds”.

The hatred of some Establishment Republicans for Donald Trump, the disruptor on the “right”, mirrors Kennedy’s unpopularity among “the Left”.

Who said this?

“We are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the American People.”

“For too long, a small group in our nation’s Capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost.

“Washington flourished – but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered – but the jobs left, and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country.

While they celebrated in our nation’s Capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land”

Well those words could have been said by either Kennedy or Trump because they both identify the centralized, unchallengeable corporate State, run to the benefit of both left and right establishments as the enemy of the people in a country where democratic accountability has given way to corporatist fascism, both in domestic and international affairs. Both Trump and Kennedy oppose reckless foreign interventions and their enormous cost. Both would be peacemakers.

In fact the above words are from President Donald Trump’s Inauguration address.
Put down your cheeseburger long enough to understand that there are Democrats that just might still care about America. He could very well be the first step in getting the evil, disfunctional communist Donnies...I mean liberals out of power.
You almost sound rational, what will all your right wing Hitler youth buddies in here think ???:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Democrats cheated Bernie out of his primary against the cackling maniac known as Hillary.

Back then election fraud was a cool topic.
Now it’s scorned immediately by the educated and tolerant.

Democrats cheated Bernie out of his primary against the cackling maniac known as Hillary.

Back then election fraud was a cool topic.
Now it’s scorned immediately by the educated and tolerant.

Because the right would rather have Bernie than Hillary ?
still doesn't matter...

I'll continue to enjoy the decline while working on my exit strategy...

In the last 5 years alone (from 2021IIRC), the 200 most politically active companies in the U.S. spent $5.8 billion influencing our government with lobbying and campaign contributions.

Those same companies received $4.4 trillion in taxpayer support from our "elected" ruling parasites – earning a return of 750 times their investment.

Just imagine the access and influence of these 200 companies on our "elected" politicians.

Still think the vote of average Americans counts?
