Rivera High Gain Test

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I've had my new (to me) Rivera head for a couple weeks now, re-tubed, biased up, getting familiar with the dials, etc, sounding good...

Sounds like I remember my Rivera's sounding. The Rake is a great amp!
Sounds a lot like my K55. Where was the master at, by the way? I guess it could be the recording or my tiny speakers, but the bottom end sounded like it wasn´t quite past that magic 3.5 mark.
You can make any amp sound good man....your 5150III clip doing VH tones was the best I have heard.
Thanks, all!!! Still kinda tweaking but it's getting there. Today I messed around for a bit on the clean channel, which can actually get pretty mean and crunchy with the boost on, I had a really cool plexi type thing happening, sorta in the "Tush" neighborhood (well, whatever he actually used, lol). Sooo many tones in this amp, I'm luvin' it..and then the cleans, just incred, super lush and thick for an EL34 amp. FWIW, this was straight into the amp, no pedals. The gain was way up there too, like 8, so nearly dimed. It just refuses to mush out with that much saturation! Slap on some delay and verb for grease and leads are a snap - no boost pedal needed. This amp is not making me sell any of my other amps, they have their own thing...but it is making me sell my drive pedals.

Thanks for that, crwnedblasphemy!! I loved that amp, lol, can't remember why I let it go - must've been a money thing. :cry:
Dave, the master is actually really high, like 6.5 (and the effects loop send/return are around 6 as well - so the amp was screamin :rock:). What was low however was the bass setting, so still a good catch. I had it at 4 for this clip cause I tend to dial in thinking about sitting in a mix more than just displaying the raw amp tones. I've since bumped it up to 5.5 and also turned the treb down just a half spot as well and it's really getting close now. Thanks. (=
6.5 is ungodly loud with the gain up high, very cool! Yeah, I can definitely see just going from 4 to 5 on the bass dial can make a big difference, the EQ is super sensitive that way. Have you played around a lot with the Focus? It sure does make a huge difference both in feel and tone, much more so than the presence.