Anyone know of a shop or tech that repairs digital effects processors? I've got an old Rocktron/RSP Intelliverb that's got a very noticeable random volume drop after a few minutes of use. Sometimes it's good for 30 minutes, other times 5 minutes. It's unusable at this point. I tried dozens of different cables, tried it in the loop of 3 amps, replaced effects loop tubes in said amps, tried it in my tack setup, tracked down another power supply for the unit, nothing helped. I've called/emailed a dozen different places about repairs but no one will return my calls or emails. Anyone have any experience with any reputable shop that repairs digital equipment? I emailed ISP Technologies since it was founded by the guys from Rocktron/RSP but they won't help either. These units are super rare and hard to find so it's not like I can just buy another one. Any help is appreciated guys!