Say you got the Syn Fortin Kali module, what power amp?



Active member
Admittedly I'm biased in my belief and personal experience that if you play many high gain modules through the same power amp and cab/ IR they'll start sounding same-y after a while, IOW the back end matters so,, what would give that module a shot at being the best it can?
Could be a rack unit of FX return of an amp.

I intend on getting one and running it through my Wiz MC1
I use a KSR PA50 with all my Synergy modules. It has 6L6’s.
He recently released a rack version that can be 50w or 100w, choose your tubes. So you can do lunchbox size or rack version.

Sounds great. Has NFB control as well which helps dial in.
I’d get a VHT/Fryette 2/90/2 or KSR PA-100R

As said above the negative feedback control is powerful for sure. The Kali module kills.

You can order the KSR with whatever tubes you want.
I’d get a Fryette 2/90/2 if I was going stereo and I’d also consider a Fryette PS-100 for mono.
I'm a huge fan of the Randall RT2/50, but they've been end of life for years, and increasingly had to come by. The specs on the KSR PA100R look really attractive though. Having an NFB control right on the front, dual masters, mute control, effects loop, (and MIDI switching of all three), individual bias adjustments, and only 20lbs for the 100w.