New member
i have a serious buzz/hum in my rebel 20 head. i bought the head in the fall/winter of 2011 and instantly fell in love with it. this thing is a tone monster! but it has recently developed this nasty buzz/hum. impossible to play over this noise. it's extremely loud and super frustrating. i've attempted to isolate the problem, but i haven't disassembled the amp in any way. here's what i've tried so far: 1. i make my own cables and thought maybe this was the issue so i've tried different cables. made no difference. 2. eliminated my effects by plugging guitar straight into amp. no difference. 3. plugged nothing into amp. made no difference. 4. i've used a different power strip. 5. tried different wall outlets. 6. used a different power chord. 7. i can turn evey knob and flip every switch (besides the power and standby switches) and nothing has any effect on the noise. 8. i've plugged a different head into my egnater 2x12 cab and i have no noise. so i know it's not my cab. 9. i emailed eganter several months ago and got zero response back. this was rather disappointing too. anybody out there having the same issue?