Shiva Discontinued

Mr. Chainsaw

Active member
Apparently they've been discontinued since the beginning of the year, from Bogner's support email. Guess that would explain why the major outlets took down their listings. I read in another group that they're going to focus on the JB45, Uber Ultra, and the Pandora XTCs. Anyone know anything else, possible replacements or is it too redundant of an amp to manufacture nowadays with their current lineup?
I guess that tone is already being captured by their newer amps. I wonder what else has been discontinued.
My guess would be that they're focusing on amps that are more unique to their brand. In other words, if you want a Plexi style amp (Helios) there's a lot of people out there doing it and market competition is stiff. So it feels like maybe they're going to focus on amps like the UU and XTC that are more of Bogner's own thing.

Honestly, of those amps I only like the JB45. I had an UU and it was way too modern for me. I had a Pandora XTC too but honestly hated it. Very hard to dial in and have to use very weird settings to make it sound decent. I greatly prefer my XTC Classic.