Should I change out original 41 year old screen grid resistors on a 1984 Marshall?



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I don't see signs of excessive heat and they both test fine...984ohms and 976ohms....I know these things take some abuse over time.

I have new Welwyns's here ready to go....I figured since I am already into this amp rebuilding it....why not???????????

Should I go with the if it's not broke adage or just install some new ones for peace of mind?
Why create more work if they are not fried. I'd wait till I was at least doing a retube of the power section.
I'm assuming 1984 means you're likely dealing with a 2203/2204 instead of a Superlead. Those resistors don't get worked too hard unless the amp is played wide open. I'd leave them alone. The don't normally wear out. I've seen plenty of them get hot enough to flake off the coating but they still read fine. Cement wirewound resistors handle heat the best. If I replace them, that's usually what I'm going for unless I'm doing a period correct restoration on something much older.