Skreddy Echo review

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Okay, I just got done playing for a few hours and I really like the Echo a LOT. Lush is the first thing that comes to mind. It not only sounds good but it seems to decay the "right" way. I had a Fulltone Tube Tape echo for a bit and it did the same thing. The repeats gradually decay rather than dop off exponentially like some other analog and digital delays I've used. It's also very natural and warm. The TTE was more hi fi and seemed brighter. Because the Echo is warmer it seems like you're swimming in the repeats.

I've never played a real echoplex so I can't compare, but I'd sure like to hear from others that have played both.

I also popped the hood and noticed it's using the same chip as my BYOC delay ... that said, it sounds nothing like the BYOC. the BYOC isn't as dimensional or natural sounding. Most importantly, the BYOC produces a lot of white noise when set above 300ms. The Echo is totally quiet even at the longest delay settings.

My only complaint so far is that my modulation won't modulate.

I twist the knobs and I can hear the delay time shorten when adjusting the trim pot, but no modulation at all. I've got an email in so I'm sure it's probably something minor.

Overall I'm totally impressed with the musicality of the unit. The build quality seems top notch and the built in limiter is WAY cool ... you can go nuts with oscillation and the volume won't take your head off.
Skreddy makes some of the best pedals out today. I regret selling my 2 Mayo's :doh:
Nice review. I think the one thing people often assume and get wrong about the echoplex is that it's "warm" because everything analog and tape is supposed to be warm. In my experience, the repeats from an ep are pretty damn bright and crispy. Think EJ's clean tone. So analog or analog-style digital delays that just roll off the top end may sound analog, but they don't sound anything like tape. Based on your description of the Fulltone being bright, it may have that same characteristic of the ep...
Yeah, I almost want to say that the tape echo has the same clarity as a clean digital delay, but it's softer at the frequency extremes. The tape also seems to get brighter and thinner as the repeats trail, where the pedals get darker.

I don't have a loop on any of my amps so I've only got it up front.
Finally made it over here. I was wondering where you guys were all hanging out :D
gnugear":zqv5z0au said:
Finally made it over here. I was wondering where you guys were all hanging out :D

I guess you didn't get the memo a few years ago :hys:

great to have you here!! :rock:

Nah, I've heard that it can get those crazy sea sick sounds. Mine doesn't do anything. I just got an email from Marc and he said to check if the LED is modulating when the controls are on (they're not), so he's going to fix it.
I was pretty stoked that I only had to wait a week from the time I put my name on the list. Sure beats 3 months!