Slo 100 fuses keep blowing



25 000th Member
Hi I am looking at buying a SLO 100 and apparently it continues to blow fuses. I was under the impression that it might be power tubes but figured I would ask around first if there are other known issues that could cause this to happen? I don't have access to the amp and waiting on the seller to send me pictures of the insides. Thanks in advance.
Seems like a gamble.
Do you know what year it is or anything else about it?
My jcm 4500 DR suddenly blew the main fuse.
Before i took it in i checked the tubes

One PT looked like it had snow inside

Replaced both and all is well plus i didn't have to open it up to bias.
Checked out to a nice cool 38Ma on my euro probe

Have the current owner swap out tubes before you commit