So true. FREEDOM baby!

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Donnie B.
Donnie B.
Well-known member

@psychodave is the dude in the middle. :LOL:
Do me a favor, go run your car full speed into a brick wall without one. Then do it again wearing one. I just want you to be able to have some facts.
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Remember when Donnie was crying about personal attacks then he went on personal attacks. He must be drunk again. Poor fella. You’d think he would have learned his lesson putting his family through all of that pain and heart ache for decades. 🤷. He posts this yet in all likelihood he was a drunk driver during those decades.
My body - my choice…
Maybe more people will consider it when it’s really FDA approved, not some corrupt trick Pfizer and the left pulled…Really is pathetic.
… And they keep lying about it, but that’s par for the course. That’s what they do, that’s what they’ve always done, Lie.
As of right now it is still NOT APPROVED.
I want to get vaccinated. I want the FDA approved Cominarty. I don’t want some emergency vaccine even if it is the same ingredients. We all know there is a bait and switch… Cominarty makers lose liability protections from any adverse reactions to the vax and can be sued. So we won’t be seeing any FDA approved version for YEARS. If it’s so safe, why not drop the liability protections on all current vaccines? 🤷
You think lawmakers and politicians give a flying fuck about you or any or anybody else? Newflash...they don't!

Seat belts are about minimizing death.

Seat belt laws are all about minimizing lawsuits!
My friend Pete was thrown from his Acura before the car flipped into a water filled drainage ditch. Had he been wearing is "safety" belt, he'd be dead. Had the drummer of Def Leppard not been wearing his seat belt, he would not have lost his arm. A former gf of mine died as a result of not being able to remove her seatbelt. She drowned.
On another note out of 25 states so far NY CA Oregon enforcing mandate all 3 dem states. All the others have passed bills not requiring proof etc. Now, all these other states have Republican govs now you tell me do you really believe people in these states that voted for a republican gov would vote for that pos dem so called prez? I THINK NOT. Its the dog and pony show folks brought to you by none other than those cocksuckers/literally obama and clinton.
You think lawmakers and politicians give a flying fuck about you or any or anybody else? Newflash...they don't!

Seat belts are about minimizing death.

Seat belt laws are all about minimizing lawsuits!
They still dont have them in school buses. I vote for probable cause to pull your ass with high hopes. Me Im not a fan of BLM or the poe poe they can both stay far away from me.
I want to get vaccinated. I want the FDA approved Cominarty. I don’t want some emergency vaccine even if it is the same ingredients. We all know there is a bait and switch… Cominarty makers lose liability protections from any adverse reactions to the vax and can be sued. So we won’t be seeing any FDA approved version for YEARS. If it’s so safe, why not drop the liability protections on all current vaccines? 🤷
I agree with you here.

The problem here is that the taxpayers are paying for doses and administration here, so any lawsuit with a payout is just going to cost taxpayer money if the fed is responsible. I don't want to pay for random people having symptoms and settling tons of lawsuits. If you want liability, it should be on the drug makers and not the federal government. And for that to happen, people (or insurance companies) need to start paying for the vaccines. But if people have to pay, well, it is another reason for them not to get vaccinated.

Hopefully one day this will just be part of the annual flu shot and we can pretend this never happened.