Well, I havent read those forums and statements, but you know what... I really dont care ...
As you said, We know what we have... we know what Diezel is... how they are made... how they sound... and how superior they are... That's simply.. a fact... no need labels, the truth is the truth...
Ok, they are not noble enought ??? what they want to be noble.. to find a KING who appoint a noble title...
"ok, I'm the KING, now you, Peter Diezel, with the power that my father, King Stupid III gave me, I appoint you... COUNT DIEZEL... if you are a good boy, I will appoint you Prince Diezel in 3 years... Now, you have blue blood, and you are part of the nobility... NOW, you can claim you amps as BOUTIQUE !!! "
What I can tell you is that I wont buy any other brand in my life... Will only get Diezels... Not only cause they are the very best sounding, but also because they (the persons) are amazing !!!
Peter Stapfer is the best guy I've ever met in all my life... and P. Diezel is always there to answer you whatever doubt you have !!! Try to get that with any other company...

. no thanks.
I''ll never get tired to repite it again... THANKS DIEZEL TEAM !!! You are the best !