Please follow rule #15 and append the item to the title, mate.
"Sold", "Delete" and so on don't tell shoppers and sellers very much. Seeing that product X sold for Y dollars or that someone changed his mind about parting with item Z is helpful to many and makes for pleasant browsing, hence our policy.
Please follow rule #15 and append the item to the title, mate.
"Sold", "Delete" and so on don't tell shoppers and sellers very much. Seeing that product X sold for Y dollars or that someone changed his mind about parting with item Z is helpful to many and makes for pleasant browsing, hence our policy
rule #15 was added on 10/29/21. I sold this in September as you can see from the thread date/edit date. ?
I don’t even remember what it was. Lol
seems to me you’re adding more unnecessary clutter to the classifieds forum by editing and bumping old “sold” sale threads. Now most of page 1 is just sold threads…Just let them fade away and focus on current stuff.
and now I just bumped this thread to the top again?
I prefer to delete my for sale threads and all content out of respect for my buyer. He may want to quickly resell it. If he does, and a potential buyer for him sees I just sold it to him, it creates a negative perception in that it must suck if he is selling it so quickly. This rule should be amended based on my (negative perception) reasoning which is valid. What are your thoughts on the above?
I prefer to delete my for sale threads and all content out of respect for my buyer. He may want to quickly resell it. If he does, and a potential buyer for him sees I just sold it to him, it creates a negative perception in that it must suck if he is selling it so quickly. This rule should be amended based on my (negative perception) reasoning which is valid. What are your thoughts on the above?
I usually like to delete the content after the buyer receives it and let’s me know all is well.
I personally don’t care if it’s left though… without the selling price. If someone is trying to research selling prices, eBay and Reverb are better resources than old threads here.
I think we should just edit the title with SOLD - “item sold” and not bump it to the top again with a new post saying “sold”. Then once a mod sees the edited title… lock the thread or move to a Sold forum like TGP
I am fine with either way, however, a deliverance just popped up sold for 1100 and I was like, how the fuck did I miss this. I think it must have been one of these archived posts.
The OP history was non-existent for whatever reason so I couldn't add the item. If you can't remember what it was, well, we might just have to be naughty.
I'm editing the title to reflect this. No worries man; sorry for the inconvenience.
Everyone is skeptical about it until they play one. It isn't for every player, but they 1000% do a specific thing that works for certain guys - especially me ?
They do a very, very specific thing and they do it flawlessly.
I can totally understand if that sound isn't for someone personally, as a player, but there's just no denying the effort and intense R&D Larry has put into his designs and implementation. He has 1000% succeeded in doing what he set out to accomplish.
His amp's sounds are simultaneously unique, instantly recognizable, and yet also have elements and flavors of classic stuff.
I have only played a handful of his different models but every single one instantly made me say "holy fucking shit, that is by far the greatest sounding amp I've ever heard."