Absolute mint condition . I added a great comparison video of this amp compared to the Marshall and Friedman . You can check the comments looks like it was a hands down Bogner winner. But let your ears do the judging . The head is absolute Mint condition purchased from Matt's music last year before the shortage and production halt. Smoke-free home Studio use with only a few hours recording project. Original foot switch included , still has cable tie around it never unraveled. ALL As new . Amazing tone and actually so many option /switching modes, it takes a little while to dial in exactly what you want...LOTS of choices ( VERSATILE, from juicy plexi to grunty JMP 70's to BADASS 80's JCM800 but better and refined ( and adjustable) low end killer bass... but regardless of what you do, it has quite possibly the most complex, rich Marshall Plexi and JCM800 tones you can get. The mid-range on this amp makes all other amps out there including wizard, diezel, friedman, sound wimpy and that's the truth. No other amps have the mid-range grunt even vintage Marshalls and I've owned them all and recorded with them all written songs with them all.. honestly 100%. I have some song tracks using the amp that I could send you if you're interested. Also happy to share settings with you so you can get right to the good juicy stuff tone-wise with it. Not interested in any trades except for possibly vintage Marshall gear. Any questions just ask I'm all ears thanks!