SOLD - Tesla EL34s

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Well-known member
Both of these parents have very low hours on them no more than 10 and both are mass within 4 ma of each other other. $150 per matched pair shipped in the USA only.

Both have sold

[mod edit]
Please read the rules mate.
Title fixed according to rule #15.
12th ad fixed for you now brother...

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The brown based Teslas are the shiznit. I had a pair in my 2006 Quickrod. Just ran 2 tubes and it never sounded better EVER than with these in it. I have no EL34 amp, hell no amp at the moment, but if I needed EL34s, I'd be considering them....cuz they are awesome.

Years back everyone was cheering Winged =C= SEDs, these crush them by a mile.