Yeah it’s still for sale but I have a decent offer and a few more hours to take it so I figured I’d let it ride. I can see someone swooping in and paying full price because it is such a rare amplifier and is on many Boogie collector’s bucket list, it’s only been listed for less than 24 hours. I’ve got about 15 offers but one is real close to asking price, more than I would’ve got here even with the fees.
As far as the high markup goes, that’s what I do! I’ve made good money on just about everything I buy I know what it’s worth. A couple years ago I paid $1700 for a guitar that I sold for 11 grand. I paid the guy his full asking price on craigslist and he was very happy to get $1000. I’m happy to make 1000+ on it and the guy buying it from me is probably estatic, the happiest person of all of us. Perhaps the person I’m selling it to is going to turn around and double his money also.