I have a stock 89 jcm 800 2210, what exactly will this mod do to my amp, just add more gain? Or will it add some more thickness/lower mids? I don't want to have mega brutal gain, just enough for heavy alice in chains type tones, like on facelift. All it does is replace a preamp tube correct? I'm really interested in this but am really about it at the same time. Right now my settings are pres 6 mv 4-6 reverb 1 bass 9 mid 6 treb 4 volume 5 gain 10, I kick on my maxon witht he level max drive and tone at noon for solos, just so you know the tone I'm working with. I like it a lot, cuts well in the band, but a little more saturation and thickness wouldn't hurt. I really don't want to ad anymore highs though, I find if I bring the treble or volume( not the master) past 5 on this amp it gets harsh.