tonesearching":34z1zqmn said:
I read a review from a former MOD 50 owner and he said that he had problems with getting a boost for solos from the amp? Is this true? Can a Boss EQ be put in the effects loop and then have the boost work like other amps?
Yes! I used to just use channel B for lead boosts....but I like a different EQ for it is nice having A and B set for different gain levels to accomodate various rhythm tones.
I have three things in the loop of my Egnater, Boss GE-7 EQ, Boss RV-5 and MXR Carbon Copy delay. I am getting the best tones I have had since owning the Mod 50. I ditched my rack. Alternatively you get get a multi unit like the TC Nova Sustem or Rocktron Xpression and set a patch as a boost.
I use an Ebtech line level shifter which was bought used and cheap. This thing works brilliantly in the parallel loop with these pedals. I bought the Monte Allums mod kit for the GE-7, but kills totally stock!