Xman":8y683i8j said:
Thx a lot for sharing! You rock man
Just wondered if the VH4 with its 100 Watts is catchier to tame than your 50 Watt Eini for bedroom levels? Which one of them do you prefer and why? Is the Eini more vintage than the Vh4?
That were a lot of questions!
thank you bud.
Well, you know, Olaf once said to me that there's really not much of a dif between a 50watter and a 100watter, it was a matter of "size". And I though that was weird, but now that I have both a 50 and a 100 w he's totally right. They both go EXTREMELY loud......so loud that you cannot really tell right away which one's louder. OBviously the vh4 will be louder but it's not something you "feel" right away. Now the 100 w has more "size"........it's bigger sounding, fuller. I haven't played the same amp in a 50 and 100 watt version but you get the point.
Which one's easier to tame...... hmmmm they both have amazing master/volume control interaction, I have't been able to play at gig levels with any of them (my neighbors would slay me!
) but I've played them VERY loud a few times and I must tell you that I was surprised when I got the VH4, because the Master control/channel Volume knobs have a better interaction than the Einstein. For example, if I set the master to lets say 10:00 and try to regulate the voluem with the channel vol. it's TOO LOUD, it really canot be done...... also, I get a "thin" sound up until I pass the vol. know at least 'til 10:00 which is too mother freaking loud for bedroom. With the Vh4 I can do this perfectly. I usually have the master at 9:00 and use the ch. vol to regulate, and sounds full and pretty!. The Einstein needs to have the master VERY low and th ch. vol at 12:00 - 2:00 to sound full and pretty at bedroom levels.
So looking at it from that perspective the Vh4 is easier to tame. BUT as with everthing there's another side to the coin........ the Vh4 as nbart once told me, NEEDS volume to sound THE BEST. It still sounds fuckin' incredible! but once you push it a bit the amp opens up and really sings, whereas the Einstein sounded pretty even at bedroom levels and "gig" levels; of course, don't get me wrong, it sounds BETTER.... for sure, but I could set the knobs one way while the volume is low, and if I turn it up I just need to maybe adjust bass/deep and presence a tiny bit. With the Vh4 I cannot... my settings for bedroom playing are one and for gig/band jam levels another one completely.
Which one I prefer? I love them both obviously, I even got the Vh4 to "try it" and see which one I dug the must to keep it and sell the other one hehehe I cannot bring myself to sell either. But If I HAD to sell one, I'd sell the Einstein and keep the Vh4. The clean channel is more to my liking, the crunch/blues channel gels better with me too, and channel 3 and 4 is more my typeof gain (extremely tight). But the Einstein has a very very nice modern sound with a bit of vintage feel in there that is VERY hard to part with. I love it.
Is the Einstein more vintage than the VH4.......of course....but the Einstein is not really a vintage amp. It's VERY versatile and it CAN sound very vintage.....but it's not like pluggin' into a plexi straight away if you know what I mean. What I like the most about Diezel amps it that they're not really trying to sound like "anything" else BUT diezel...... some ppl like that, some don't but if you're after a UNIQUE sound, diezel's the company!
hope that answered your questions hhehe if you got any other, feel free to shoot.