Spam: HBE pedals....price drop


Well-known member
Dont want to sell these, but need cash to pay off a little debt.

+ shipping on all, and 3% Paypal

CPR Compressor Retro


Germicide - RARE, last one ever made.

P.S. you guys are getting first dibs on these before I Spam HC with them, so if you want 'em let me know :D
From the instructions:

The Germicide is a versitile multi frequency booster built with a NOS germanium transistor.

Gain control: Varies the amount of gain and frequency boost

Hi/Low Fi switch: Switches between a stock treble boost sound and a more open full range sound

Frequency control: selects 5 different frequencies per mode to be boosted

More switch: when engaged, disables the level control and seys it at Max.

Level: varies the overall output level and gain.
Hmm...interesting. I'm looking for a lead boost right now..I wonder what this would do for me, eh?

By the way Jugg, nice avatar! Im'a steal it from you if you don't mind. I find it funny that the Mark III in your sig has the 750 slider pretty high up, haha.
actaully the W shape sounds pretty awesome....try it some time.

The Germicide is a killer boost.....BUY IT! :D
As an avid fan of the HBE line I would highly recommend the CPR to any who need a great compressor. Thats a good deal and a fair price for used. Hairless cat ban???????????????????????????????????