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Here's my take on them after I went thru a couple lately, all in a rearloaded Diezel 2x12" and frontloaded 2x12" (generic, ply) and a semi open 1x12" ( a former Einstein Combo).

All speakers well broken in except the new San Rafael:

G75T: well, pretty hollow - awesome with a V30s in both 2x12" though. Too neutral in a 1x12".

CL80: more mids than the G75T, still lacking some - better in the 1x12" than the G75T. Probably a good speaker for combos and those who dislike the mids of a V30s.

V30s: my favourite in all of them except frontloaded, paired with a Cent. Vint. in the FL cab pretty cool, also awesome in the 1x12".

Cent Vint: IMO perfect comrade to the V30s. Fast attack, a bit more balanced than V30s. Less treble than the G75T and CL80s and not as neutral. I love it. Not just its weight.

G100K: Peter gave me one to check it out. I was curious after Peter Stapfer likes them so much. Its nice, don't get me wrong, but this thing needs some serious volume to sound good. For room levels (in either cab) it was way too neutral. Even a bit more neutral than the CL80s (which is older, maybe better broken in or something). Maybe the perfect thing when you are using either tons of effects or you're playing death metal.

Tone Tubby San Rafael: Sounded weak in both 2x12" (V30 as comrade), seems that its loudness is much much lower than the V30, so it was barely audible. Very smooth thing - sounded a lot better (as expected) in the open 1x12", but like the G100K it needs some serious volume from the amp and move some air. Will stay in tjhe 1x12" for some time . . .

In the end I'll have these:
Diezel RL 2x12": G75T and V30s
Generic 2x12": V30s and Cent Vint.
Diezel 1x12": San Rafael
Try a Celestion Heritage G12-65 sometime. Incredible tone. Lots of mids if you like that.
Too bad you are in Europe, because I bet you would really like the Weber speakers.

Oh, and try a Celestion Alnico Gold. That's an amazing speaker.
I'm not a millionaire, you know . . . :D

(I'll try - one day)