Steavens (and now mixed with Hermansson) Poundcake riffing



Well-known member
Still getting to know this amp and doing some work to see how it records. Think I may have overcooked it a bit in terms of trying to capture the mid punch so I suspect this will be too woofy and sizzly on the top end, but I am overcomplicating that with this being my first time using these monitors as well.

Drums are an old drum jam from HCAF (circa 2006, think its an actual take as the tempo pretty clearly moves a bit). Two primary guitar tracks, one through V30 the other through greenbacks. Both on the Meat channel, one using the internal boost with a little less mids the other using a Klon as a boost with more mids. Guitar is a Dunable R2 loaded with Grizzly pickups and in need of an intonation setup thanks to having four seasons in a week here in NC. Have a slight limiter on the master mix bus to help with overall levels, but otherwise nothing else going on. Nothing terribly interesting from a musical perspective, just riffing to try and capture a bit of the range and understand how it will work in a broader mix. All in, we are talking about 45 minutes of work including all the setup so plenty of room for improvement and tighter playing.

For an in the room rough iPhone capture I also posted this up a few days ago (this is just random mostly Tool wankery)
Wanted to see how the Steavens paired with one of my Hermanssons so spent 15 minutes and replaced one of the primary tracks with the 5GS Marshall through Greenbacks. My plan is to work through all of my amps with a few different "study" tracks like this to understand what each offers in this environment and then select a few to let go. I think I am going to find I have a substantial amount of redundancy and we already know all the little nuances don`t tend to translate to recording, so will be interesting to see what surprises come out of going through this. As mentioned, these monitors (Neumann KH120iis) are brand new to me so I am trying to still figure them out and cross listen on as many different platforms as I can (vs trying to really dial in a mix or worry about how great the playing is)