Stereo Amp Setup .. HELP!!!!

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Hey Guys,

I need some help .. I am looking at getting a 2nd amp for my Stereo Amp Setup.. Right now I have a TC Nova System and the Egnater Renegade 65W tube 1x12 combo amp. I want to get another 1x12 or 2x12 to add on and the Nova System is capable of this.
Here are my questions ...
1. 1. I run a 65W all tube amp now (of course I don't turn it up all the way), can I blow the new amp or the main amp if I have too much power coming from the main amp? Or ruin either in anyway with this setup?
2. Does the new amp have to be at least 65W? Tubes or Solid State? can it be a 1x12 or a 2x12?
3. Does the main amp control my tone or will I have the ability to control the tone through the other amp?
4. Are there certain OHMS or Impeidence I need to make sure the new amp has?
5. Last but not least .. Am I over thinking all of this? Is it just as easy as connecting the 2nd amp to receive and I'm good to go?

Heres the back of the Egnater:

I was hoping to get something cheap and not as good as the Egnater to save money .. cause i am assuming all i need is a good speaker ... I am getting one Friday ...
1) No more danger of blowing up the second amp than there is with one. So no problem there. You can get some squealing from the second amp if the level from the TC Nova is too hot, adjust as needed.

2) The second amp can be almost any kind, SS or tube, 5 watt or 100 watt, no matter. To use another amp connected as per your diagram, it needs to have a Return to plug into. Sometimes you can achieve a cool sound with two completely different amps. Some amps will work better than others in this situation.

3) Connected per your diagram, the second amp has its preamp section bypassed, so no volume or tone control on the second amp. Only the power amp section of the second amp will be used in this scenario. Most adjustments will be on the main amp and effects. You can also use the guitar input jack on the second amp (instead of using the Return), just turn the level down from the TC Nova (if adjustable). If you use the input jack on the second amp, then the second amp will have volume and tone control also.

4) Set the ohms on each amp in accordance with whatever speaker is used with that amp, and connecting two or more amps like this doesn't change anything to do with the speakers used.

5) Is it just as easy as connecting the 2nd amp to receive and I'm good to go?
shimmilou Thanks!!!! Your a life saver .. So it sounds like really any 2nd amp will do .. I am going to try to find one that will have the same wattage or close incase I carank it .... So the tones will all be controlled from the Egnater? That will be awesome!

Thanks again!
Yep, first amp will be the master volume and tone controller (using return jack on second amp). Having two similarly powered amps will make it easier to find a good balance between the two. Reply post with your results? :rock:
Is the second amp just for effects as in a wet/dry setup? If so, you are OK-ish with a different sounding amp because that side is colored by the effects anyway. If the second amp is part of your "main tone" and is always on at at about the same volume as the Renegade, a not so great second sounding amp will.........not sound so great.
Ok i ordered a Raven RG60 ... had good reviews and was very cheap. I am just hoping the speaker is good, cause thats all i really need. It should arrive tomorrow or friday.

So i see that on the back of the Egnater 1x12 its set to 16 ohms by default ... the new amp looks to be 4 ohms. does this matter. Do i leave the Egnater on 16 ohms or change it to 4? does it hurt the amp if i leave it 16?

Again, set the impedance selector switch for each amp in accordance with the speaker that the particular amp uses. If the Egnater uses a 16 ohm speaker, set the Egnater amp switch to 16, regardless of what other amp is used. If the second amp uses a 4 ohm speaker, set the switch on the second amp to 4, regardless of the first amp. Each amp impedance is independent of the other amp as far as impedance setting, in this case.

You are using the power amp and speaker in the second amp, not just the speaker (it won't work with just a speaker). Each amp has to have it's own speaker. You must be thinking of using just an external cab when you talk about adjusting the impedance selector. Using a stereo effect for two amps is not the same as using an extension cab with one amp.

You must be excited. :D
Ok that makes sense then ... Sorry for all the questions, but I really appreciate your time. I am new to this setup so I don't want to risk breaking my $1,100 Egnater. Ok so the Egnater is the main amp I will leave it on 16 ohms and run the return to the other. I will let you guys know the results as soon as the amp arrives!

Thanks again!
Ok guys I got it!!!! Its sounds awesome! I am going through the effects loop but i have a question. The volume on my main amp doesnt control the other amp. When i turn down the volume on the main amp it goes down but the other amp stays at a set volume even when its all they way down. Now i got to turn it down from the right on the Nova System volume..... Is that how its suppossed to be?

I want to be able to turn the the volume to both.... But i imagine it would from the main but it seem like the nova system is what controls the other amps volume..... weird.

It wont be a problem once i find a set volume, but its a pain when i am turning it up or down then i have to synch it from the nova.

what do you guys think?
Are you connected exactly the way that your first diagram shows? Your guitar has to be plugged into the input jack of the first amp in order for the first amp to control the volume on the second amp. If you plug the guitar directly into the TC Nova, then the TC nova will be the master volume for both amps. I think that you also have to have the effects loop of the first amp switched on. :confused:
Yeah its connected the way in the diagram ... its strange, i turn down the master on the main amp and it does down but the 1 amp stays at a constant volume even though its all the way down...

So i turn up the main amp and the 2nd doesnt move at all..... then i go into the nova and turn the right volume up or down and then it works ... doesnt seem like thats the right way though...

i will mess with it tomorrow as well and see if i can figure it out....

I actually dont want to control the voume from the nova ... I was under the impression it would all be controlled from the main amp ... So my understanding was if i turn down the main amp, the 2nd amp would go down too.... It seems with the setup that the main is controlled by itself and the 2nd amp is controlled by the novas right volume in the menu .... Do i have something connected wrong?
Here is my setup based on the NOVA MANUAL:

Is that wrong?
It is wrong. :gethim: From what you just posted, you have it hooked up incorrectly. :doh: :LOL:

The "Send" is an output from the amp, and should connect to the "Input" of the TC Nova. (labeled "In - post drive" on the Nova diagram)

The "Return" is an input to the amp, and should connect to the "Output" of the TC Nova.

"L Out" goes to the Raven "Return", and "R Out" goes to the Egnater "Return".

Look closely at the diagram that you provided, and connect it the way that the drawing shows.

Seriously, hook it up the correct way this time!!!!!
hahaha .. I knew something was wrong .. I will try it tonight! Of course I am at work for the next 9 hours .. So I will try tonight and let you know how it works out ...

OK I will connect the way so say .... I will let you know the results ... I knew something looked wrong.

Heres the back of the nova ....

I thought I had it right ... but will try again...

:lol: :LOL: Understandable, the diagram that you provided shows that the "L Output" of the Nova is connected to the second amp "Return", while the description that's right beside the diagram says to connect the "R Output" of the Nova to the second amp "Return". I am not sure if it matters which amp is right and which is left, try it both ways, no harm. Keep in mind that the volume control on the second amp will not work when using only the "Return" on that amp.

I don't see the connection that you were calling "Line Out", so recheck your connections and remember that the amp "Send" is an output, as in sending out a signal from the amp to the Nova "Input". And the amp "Return" is an input, receiving a signal from the Nova "Output". Check page 10 in the manual, it says to use the "Drive Input" (lower of the two inputs) connected to the Egnater "Send", when using the amp loop, and this will bypass the drive on the TC Nova. Try each input and check the difference.
Ok cool .. Man I appreciate all your help ... I didn't think it would be so complicated .. haha.

So you say "Keep in mind that the volume control on the second amp will not work when using only the "Return" on that amp."
I am only using the RETURN on that amp ... cause the send and return are used on he Main Eganter... Do i need the send and receive on the other Raven amp too?

I just don't get it ... I will consider myself a dummy at this point ...
Your illustration is correct, that should work. You might also be able to exchange which amp is left or right, try each and see.
Yeah i did both but the volume for the 2nd amp is set from the nova levels menu, the main amp doesnt control both volumes...... i don't get it. UGH!
Are you saying that you can turn the volume knob of the Egnater all the way to zero (fully CCW), so that strumming the guitar results in no sound at all from the Egnater, and yet at the same time you still hear the guitar sound through the second amp at the same level as it was before turning down the Egnater? And are you also saying that when you turn up the volume on the Egnater, the second amp does not get louder? Is the Egnater loop switched on? The Egnater loop has to be switched on.

If you have sound from the second amp with the Egnater volume knob turned all the way down, then the level of output from the Nova to the second amp is set too high. I can turn up the output level on my POD very loud, and there is some bleed through from the Egnater with volume knob at zero, but no way I can use it at that level, way too hot when the Egnater volume is turned up. From what you posted, the "volume" on the Nova can be used to get a balance between the two amps. Start with the Egnater at a low volume, adjust the Nova to get the same volume on the second amp. Then, the Egnater volume knob should act as a master volume.

In my setup (for now) which is the same type of setup as yours, Twkr 40 and HRDlx run from a POD (instead of a Nova) with left and right outputs, the Egnater volume knob controls the loudness of both amps at the same time. I don't have (or can't find) any adjustment on the POD to change the level of its L and R outputs independently, so the HRDlx is a little louder than the Twkr. As you posted, your Nova has independent level for its outputs, so you should have some balance control.

Maybe I am the one that's missing something here? I really would like to have some Egnater schematics :cry:

Maybe Bruce or Ian has some idea of what the problem is. The only other thing that I can think of is that the Renegade has some unique type of loop in which the "Send" is taken off before the volume and other controls? :confused: