Stereo Egnater Renegade 1x12 with Slave Amp w/ Nova System

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Hey guys,

I am looking to run a MAIN AMP with a SALVE AMP to get that Stereo (for DELAYS) sound out of my Egnater Renegade 1x12 MONO Combo amp and a slave amp via the effects loop.

I was told I can do this with the TC Nova System pedal, run it through the effects loop and from the egnater to the effects loop on a slave amp to have the delays run speaker to speaker in the Nova system setting. Then, The control would all come from the main amp and the salve would only use its power amp and volume? So I was told to get a cheap combo amp because its only used for its power amp?

Has anyone done this or have either amp?

What I am curious to know is how this is connected and if this could damager either amp at all?

If this could be done, does the slave amop have the have the same power as the main amp? Can you blow it if it doesnt?



The only thing like this I've ever done was with a Boss stereo chorus, and it didn't involve an Egnater amp.

I put the chorus in the loop of one amp, last pedal in the chain. Then I returned one of the sides to that amp's "return" and the other side to the other amp's "return". I think this is what you're talking about doing but I'm not completely clear. In this way I could control the output of both amps with the volume from one amp.

If I recall, I did have to set the second amp's volume at the right level so it would match. But once that was done it worked fine.

It's a neat effect but over time, the novelty wore off and I just wanted to simplify my rig and make my basic tone as good as possible.

Good luck.
Yeah that's exactly what I want to do .. can this damage the amp in any way? Like runnign too much power from the main amp? I just want to get that stereo ping pong delay effect.
I really don't think you'll harm anything, but I'm not the expert.

I've used preamps and run them into the effects return a lot and had zero issues. This is basically doing the same thing.
No danger, the effect output is compatible to the effects return of the amp.
dan desy":14ad1thi said:
No danger, the effect output is compatible to the effects return of the amp.

Ok good .. what if the 2nd amp is less power than the main amp - My Egnater is 60W but say the other amp is only 20W or 40W .. should they be equal?
dieselmx":v3u96oef said:
dan desy":v3u96oef said:
No danger, the effect output is compatible to the effects return of the amp.

Ok good .. what if the 2nd amp is less power than the main amp - My Egnater is 60W but say the other amp is only 20W or 40W .. should they be equal?

Nope, no issue whatsoever, the effect send of the renegade and and effect level of the NovaSystem are standard, and pre power amp, so they have nothing to do with the power of the amp.
Except you might have to drive your slave hard to match the levels.

Play around with it and have fun.
dieselmx":3sloueq8 said:
Awesome .. as long as I know I cant damage it! Thanks!

As far as I can tell, unless your setting it up using a sledgehammer, or with both feet in the bathtub, it's perfectly safe. :)
Haha nice! With that being said all the EQ settings will come from the Egnater right? So technically the amps should sound the same since they are being powered by the main amp right?
dieselmx":8n215uhs said:
Haha nice! With that being said all the EQ settings will come from the Egnater right? So technically the amps should sound the same since they are being powered by the main amp right?

Right. The second power amp will no doubt color the sound some, but since you're only using the Renegade's preamp, it should be pretty close.