STOOPID Idea, but... Yellowing White Piping?


Active member
Hey all!

Got rid of some old gear and managed to snag this lovely little Avatar 1x12 loaded with a V30. Goes very well with the Boogie sonically, but would love the cab to match a little more visually.

Thinking I might get a larger 'Mesa Engineering' badge/logo to replace the white 'Avatar' logo, but the bright white piping still doesn't visually match... any ideas short of tearing the cab apart and replacing it, I could possibly yellow or stain the piping with something to better match the color on the Boogie?

Silly idea, and SUCH a first world problem, but wondering if anyone might have an idea that might be simple and not damage the vinyl or grill....

Hit me up!


(p.s. yes, I could just trade it for a Boogie cab, but I like how chunky the Avatar is visually)


  • Boogie Avatar.jpg
    Boogie Avatar.jpg
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Tape it off with blue painters tape. Brush on rubber cement (instant heavy age) or heat up (put close to heater overnight, not high temps) either white oil or even acrylic model paint to separate the pigment. Use the float at the top (yellowish clear stuff that has separated from the pigment. You may need pliers to remove the cap after doing this. Alternatively, if you have some white paint like house paint or something like that which has been sitting for a long time, open it and the float should already be there. This is due to the weight of the pigments separating over time. Brush on one layer at a time until you like the results. Just some suggestions.
put white piping on the Mesa or black piping on the Avatar?
Yellow out (or age) the white piping on the Avatar to more closely match the aged cream color on the boogie (the lettering, lines on the knobs, etc).
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Yellow out (or age) the white piping on the Avatar to more closely match the aged cream color on the boogie (the lettering, lines on the knobs, etc).

if you like aged "yellowed" white - I don't, and hope my white Gibson SG doesn't yellow too fast, then that's probably the easiest fix, but not the best IMO.

what about making the Avatar logo and piping metallic grey or silver to match the Boogie logo plate?
if you like aged "yellowed" white - I don't, and hope my white Gibson SG doesn't yellow too fast, then that's probably the easiest fix, but not the best IMO.

what about making the Avatar logo and piping metallic grey or silver to match the Boogie logo plate?
I planned on replacing the Avatar logo with a Mesa Engineering logo...