strange ish question ecstasy into ecstasy

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Anyone try an ecstasy pedal into an ecstasy head? If so what did you think of it as an od and boost?
Someone did exactly this awhile back and put up clips comparing the Red pedal into the XTC clean channel and the actual 101B Red channel.

You wouldn't want to use these as boost pedals. It's not made for that, as it's made to be the preamp section of the blue or red channel.
Not that it wouldn't work...the Blue could probably work that way but there are much better pedals for boosting your amp.
I have both a Blue and Red pedal on my board which I run into a 100B. I use them with the clean channel for some extra/different flavor tones. They could be used as a boost into the gain channels for sure but the XTC already has more than enough gain for my needs.
So I got myself the blue and have been running it into my classic. Very interesting. Me likey. Running the Pedal in Off,Plexi,N,100b mode with the Vol. and Treble around 1 oclocl and the Mid, bass and Gain Maxed, vol and gain boosts at noon. Very cool. Gives my clean channel some top end sparkle and down right nasty blues rhythym. Adds enough gain to the blue channel that it competes with the red but retains the feel and character of the blue, adds some more articulation to the red channel. I'll try to do some clips at some point but so far I am digging it. Also, I have an EQD tone job eq right after this in my signal chain when I kick that on with the xtc pedal, holy moly fire breathing!