Strymon Brigadier Delay Users !

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How does this pedal sound with a good amount of gain?

All the videos I see are with clean tones and mild over drive...

I use a digital delay on my gain and lead tones as it stays clean, the strymon is a analog bucket delay but is supposed to stay "clean" if you want... I tried a MXR carbon copy once and it was too muddy for me with gain.

I don't want to blow the dough and find out I should stick with a digital delay pedal like a TC flashback or something like that... The Brigadier does sound amazing though in the videos...

it's a killer delay, i sold it eventually in favour of an el capistan which is more flexible tonewise, works well with gain as well

for hi gain and clear repeats can't beat a good ol digital delay, i reckon the tc flashback might serve you better while also offering up analog/tape echo like modes for you to try out.. and the tone print editor being a nice bonus , and way cheaper to boot
Had one for a bit. Affects the tone when running in the loop of every high gain head I tried it in. All four of the Strymon pedals I had behaved this way. My Eventide Timefactor and H9 do not have this issue.
cool nice to know... Im not a huge effect guy, just like a little delay behind the gain tones for fatness and some chorus on cleans. I have the TC Flashback and the Corona pedals and they seem to work nice... just the Strymon bug has been building up inside of my head.
rp108":1gwejwi4 said:
Had one for a bit. Affects the tone when running in the loop of every high gain head I tried it in. All four of the Strymon pedals I had behaved this way. My Eventide Timefactor and H9 do not have this issue.

I have also been eyeing the Timefactor.... looks really sweet.
Rezamatix":3lgdyxm6 said:
Timefactor effects your tone, strymon timeline does not.

I second that. The Timeline is very transparent in the loop.
Have both the Brigadier and El Capistan. They're great. I use the Brigadier when using a simple setup with just a delay in the loop. I normally would not run any pedal level stuff in a loop but the Styrmon products seem to handle it no problem.

I don't hear any issue of tone alteration rp108 speaks of.
Exact opposite for me, at least with the Orbit, Brigadier, El Capistan, and Blue Sky Reverb. Dulled the tone in every high gain amp I ran it in, Bogner Uberschall, Mesa Mark IV, Mesa Mark V, EVH 5150 III, Peavey 6505+, Peavey 6534+. Every amp, same results. Not one of these other pedal companies I have owned pedals from had this issue, Eventide, MXR, Diamond, Fuchs, TC Electronic, Empress, and probably missing more.

In fact I argued with Strymon via email about this issue with the Strymon Orbit (I owned twice) and they told me the signal was "too hot" yet the manual stated it supported 8db+, when I finally said "well, the 5150 III and 6505+ are instrument level loops" they had no answer for it.

Timefactor, Pitchfactor, Modfactor, or the H9 has never changed the tone in any amp I have used them with.

Also, have you ever noticed that all the demos of Strymon stuff are clean or semi break up and almost always in front of the amp? Even the high gain demos I have seen the pedals are in front of the amp.

Maybe I have dog ears but I can say for certain that Strymon pedals will affect the tone in the loop, on the high gain channel, in every amp I mentioned. Never had this experience with other manufactures. The Eventide stuff is amazing for tone but the build quality can be a bit suspect.

I should mention someone on TGP finally gave in and tried what I said and he admitted he heard it as well but felt it wasn't that much of a difference. Enough for me at least.
rp108":2q4cwg9z said:
Had one for a bit. Affects the tone when running in the loop of every high gain head I tried it in. All four of the Strymon pedals I had behaved this way. My Eventide Timefactor and H9 do not have this issue.

I had the exact opposite experience, with the Timefactor that is since I haven't tried the H9. Did you adjust the level on the Brig you had? All the Strymon's have a level and on pedals like the Brig it's one of the secondary controls.

I've tried the Strymon's on several Boogies and they haven't bothered the tone at all.
danyeo":2yehddrp said:
rp108":2yehddrp said:
Had one for a bit. Affects the tone when running in the loop of every high gain head I tried it in. All four of the Strymon pedals I had behaved this way. My Eventide Timefactor and H9 do not have this issue.

I had the exact opposite experience, with the Timefactor that is since I haven't tried the H9. Did you adjust the level on the Brig you had? All the Strymon's have a level and on pedals like the Brig it's one of the secondary controls.

I've tried the Strymon's on several Boogies and they haven't bothered the tone at all.

No tone molestation... Cool

I just need to know how clean you can get the repeats to stay if desired.
rp108":2x028c69 said:
Had one for a bit. Affects the tone when running in the loop of every high gain head I tried it in. All four of the Strymon pedals I had behaved this way. My Eventide Timefactor and H9 do not have this issue.
Kind of the same here. However I wouldn't say that the Strymons affect the tone, as when bypassed it's totally transparent. I'd rather say that they have their own coloration/character that you may or may not like, while the Eventides are more "hi-fi". I prefer the Eventides in that case.
Definitely no coloration with the Timeline when bypassed. When engaged, I'd say any delay has its own coloration, though...