Suggest a Microphone for electric guitar to compliment a 57

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I have several SM57s and 58s from the gigging days and also an Audix D2 and D3. I'm looking for something that will compliment the SM57 but isn't as expensive as a Royer R121. Something that's more natural/full sounding. I also play acoustic a lot so if this mic could work for acoustic that would be cool too.

Also, what is a good price on a used R121? Is it really worth it?
I've really used only SM57/58 and I don't have much practical experience mixing mics with one. So I can only offer suggestions for you to research yourself based on what I've been looking into recently.

-The fredman technique with 2 SM57s
-A school of thought for pairing one with a condenser mic
-Pairing one with a tom mic (like your Audix D2) using one as a bright mic and the other as a dark mic.
-Classic pairing of SM57 with Sennheiser MD421
-SM57 with either a Sennheiser e609 or e906 has become popular
-Ditch the SM57 and try something different all together.

Personally, I'm going the try something different route and starting to play with just using condenser mics. I'm also just doing bedroom recording right now. So I'm not going for 100% polished studio quality, just something that captures the full sound well. I bought a Sennheiser MK4 and a matched pair of Sterling Audio SL230MP. Just received everything the other day so I haven't been able to try them out much yet.

So others can help you better and maybe narrow some choices, a little more insight into your goals may be needed.
Aside from the general wanting something more full sounding is there anything specific that an SM57 alone isn't doing for your or lacking?
Will this be for live use or recording?
Are you looking to mic for a certain type of music or wanting something more general purpose?
My favorites:

Beyer dynamic 201
MD421 ( of course it’s a standard)

And my two big time favs:

TUL G12 mic: phases better with a 57 than literally anything out there that I’ve tried. Extremely easy to use: put it dead center on the cone and you’re done. Highly highly reccomend starting here. If you want clips I have tons.

Not cheap:

Austrian audio OC18: the best condenser mic I’ve ever heard on guitars, and goes well with a 57. On its own, it’s flat out amazing, and the only mic I’d use by itself for guitars other than a 57.
I also like the e906 with the 57 but it depends on the speaker you're working with. Works well with V30s and T75's, maybe not so well with Greenbacks. I actually like the sE V7X by itself on Greenbacks a lot.

If you want a natural ribbon sound without shelling out a grand for the 121, try either the sE VR1 or VR2. The VR2 is actually an active ribbon mic and gets you a louder, cleaner signal.
Beyer dynamic 201
I saw a thread praising the M 88 so I just watched this video last night. I have a preference between these two Beyerdynamics and is definitely one I'm considering.

My favorite mic for guitar cabs is the Shure KSM313. Has the smoothness of an R-121 without the hyped bass and lack of highs.
Another vote for the sE Electronics VR1 ribbon mic. You can get a pair for cheaper than the Royer, and use them for acoustic guitar, drums, kazoo, or whatever else. I put it on my 8x10 next to a kick mic last time I recorded bass. It's a great mic.


Here they are tracking my fancy double membrane studio kazoo with ebony caps and figured koa body. That's what a $2000 studio kazoo rig looks like, folks!
^ That's too awesome. Kazoo rigs are rigs too...and this is Rig Talk.
My favorites:

Beyer dynamic 201
MD421 ( of course it’s a standard)

And my two big time favs:

TUL G12 mic: phases better with a 57 than literally anything out there that I’ve tried. Extremely easy to use: put it dead center on the cone and you’re done. Highly highly reccomend starting here. If you want clips I have tons.

Not cheap:

Austrian audio OC18: the best condenser mic I’ve ever heard on guitars, and goes well with a 57. On its own, it’s flat out amazing, and the only mic I’d use by itself for guitars other than a 57.
Based on this guys ^ clips... he talks tone and recording and I start googling his suggestions.
In my experience I have had very good luck adding a different speaker to my recording cabinet. This way I have a 57 on a greenback and a 57 on a G12H30 and I'm having really good luck with that.
A microphone to “compliment” the 57? I can do that without another mic: “57, you are sexy and and you sound good. you got it going on”.
Might wanna check out the Lewitt LCT 440 Pure condenser mic. Sounds really good as a standalone mic on cabs as well.
I saw a thread praising the M 88 so I just watched this video last night. I have a preference between these two Beyerdynamics and is definitely one I'm considering.

I've used an M88 alongside a 57 close-mic'ing guitars for ~20 years. I'm just a home studio amateur, but it has worked great for me; to me it has a bit of a scooped mids + high-end sizzle tone that complements the 57 midrange rasp well.