Synergy SLO-II is available for pre-order

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I stumbled across a fan shot meet and great with Mark Tremonti on the Creed tour last night, and when he was showing his amps, he mentioned a few times that he was running a Synergy rig along with his MT-100's. He also pointed out that he was running the SLO-II preamps. Google them today and Leon Todd just dropped a video on one 4 hours ago. That Etsch.... whatever his name is, uploaded one an hour ago. Sweetwater has them for pre-order.

The Synergy SLO has been my #1 tone for a good bit now. Time to get on the list!
I stumbled across a fan shot meet and great with Mark Tremonti on the Creed tour last night, and when he was showing his amps, he mentioned a few times that he was running a Synergy rig along with his MT-100's. He also pointed out that he was running the SLO-II preamps. Google them today and Leon Todd just dropped a video on one 4 hours ago. That Etsch.... whatever his name is, uploaded one an hour ago. Sweetwater has them for pre-order.

The Synergy SLO has been my #1 tone for a good bit now. Time to get on the list!

Have you ever A/B'd it with a real SLO or HotRod "fitty" by chance? I've always hesitated picking one up because I have a Myasnikov that has some iron in it and is built like a tank. I can't imagine anything getting better besides the real deal.
Have you ever A/B'd it with a real SLO or HotRod "fitty" by chance? I've always hesitated picking one up because I have a Myasnikov that has some iron in it and is built like a tank. I can't imagine anything getting better besides the real deal.

I have not side by side compared them. There are several vids out there where others have and differences were usually based on the power amp being used. I find the Synergy modules to generally be a little bit tighter and have more gain than the actual amps. I did sell a SLO30 right before I jumped into the Synergy stuff and I much prefer the Synergy SLO over the SLO30.

Mainly running a Syn-1 into a PowerStation. I have also used the Syn-1 into a JCM800 power section which does change the character a little bit compared to the PowerStation. Both good.
It has a Tight switch. SLO's don't have tight switches.

I wonder if that says anything about a possible update to the actual SLO.
My tone will now be like royalty & I expect you all to treat me as such
So be it.
I use a boost most of the time and that was always my "tight" switch. Looking forward to seeing what I can dial in with the SLO-II with the tight on and a boost. Don't really need the regular SLO module to be any tighter, but I probably use less low end than most, E and Eb are the lowest tunings I use (using the Drop pedal to go another half step if needed), and having the ability to cut more lows in front should be fun.
Like what I'm hearing from clips and some users here. May grab the SYN-50... SLO II (purple of course) and Z Wreck Modules almost most definitely. Have some nice versatility with my live rig (which is all I do)... especially being in a cover band that covers 5 decades of rock to hard rock.
Nice! Mine just arrived as well. Will watch your vid in a bit. Love the double Syn-2 set up. Pretty sure my next purchase is to get a Syn-2. Dipped my toe in the water with the Syn-1, but the Synergy has become my main rig.
It is a stay at home system for recording. I use the Fortin Hydra which is a simple 8 button footswitch that matches the dual syn2 setup nicely.

The SLOii seems phatter on the low end that the original SLO module , even with the SLO ii on tight. Not as phat as the DRect, but headed more that way