Tascam MP-GT1 Blank Screen

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So I have one of those old Tascam phrase trainers, the MP-GT1. Yesterday I let the battery run down on it while it was in use. Once the battery got really low, the screen contrast started going down, eventually to a blank screen by the time the battery died. No problem I figured, just charge it back up and use it again today. So did that, and now when I turn it on I get the backlight but nothing on the screen. Like the contrast is all the way off. I can navigate through the menus by counting entries, and I've been able to adjust the backlight brightness by doing that. I tried adjusting the screen contrast the same way (it's one entry off the backlight entry, so that's an easy reference), but that didn't do anything. Anyone deal with this before?
Did a bit of research, and I have a hypothesis as to what happened. LCD's don't like DC voltage apparently, and drivers are supposed to prevent that from happening. Said drivers are sometimes built into the screen assembly. I saw it mentioned on an electronics site elsewhere that if voltage sags low enough and the driver isn't designed to deal with that situation, the driver could lose it's clock signal and send DC to the LCD, or something along those lines, killing it. So, assuming that the LCD in the tascam is suitably cheap, I wouldn't be surprised if the driver wasn't designed for that case. Given that, when I ran the battery down to the point where the unit stopped functioning, I'm guessing that the driver eventually browned out and killed the LCD. I'm going to try to talk to Tascam and see if they have any idea what happened/can sell me replacement parts/give me schematics. This thing is great and would hate to ewaste it.