TC SCF settings that work for both chorus and flanger?

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So, I recently got my hands on a vintage (? still says 'made in Denmark', has the rough all black powder coating (no purple stripe) and power chord) TC SCF Chorus and while I like the subtle flavour next to the more obvious Boss CE-2-like chorus sounds (got 2 MIJ originals and a Mooer Ensemble King for the quick 'n easy), I was wondering if anyone here knows some good settings that work great for both the Chorus and Flanger mode?

I'm aware that Chorus mode is a tad louder. Ideally I'd have the flanger sounding quite MXR/jet like, but I guess this flanger type sits more in the EHX Mistress and Ibanez FL9 camp.
As for C & F the TC PM/CF i had was either / or for C/F.
And the best stereo setting was the pitch modulator.
Its a good but outdated pedal.
the Petrucci Dreamscape was JP's idea of a reworked CF/PM and it has a TC 2290 setting too.
Automatically adjusts to series or parallel loops.
The Dreamscape is one of the last good TC products out before TC sold to Behringer.
IMO everything Behringer puts out is mass produced chinese crap.

Any more suggestions for the pedal that I *have* instead of suggesting a whole different pedal? 😉
I don't own one, but experience with my G Major 2 and Corona tells me this pedal will probably sound way better in stereo. Low rate, high depth, for stereo widening.