Texas exposed

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Texas voter suppression by the Texas Governor is the real story and has been verified not by some whack ass Veritas unsubstantiated video, rather verified by The state Supreme court.
Hey lets limit vote drop boxes to 1 per county including Harris county which has 9 million residents. Got to love that suppression move, well only if you are a republican

Now take your stupid ass and stay in Canada's politics. But then again we all know you are a US citizen but too much of a pussy to reveal that
Sitedrifter":39uhp2i7 said:
Texas voter suppression by the Texas Governor is the real story and has been verified not by some whack ass Veritas unsubstantiated video...
Libtard comment.
Sitedrifter":1p63qeun said:
Texas voter suppression by the Texas Governor is the real story and has been verified not by some whack ass Veritas unsubstantiated video...
Seriously, man. When you say stuff like this, you sound like a political cultist. I've read your posts... You know humans are inherently corrupt, so why make excuses for either "team"?
stanz":3pc67pn0 said:
Sitedrifter":3pc67pn0 said:
Texas voter suppression by the Texas Governor is the real story and has been verified not by some whack ass Veritas unsubstantiated video...
Seriously, man. When you say stuff like this, you sound like a political cultist. I've read your posts... You know humans are inherently corrupt, so why make excuses for either "team"?

I said it because it is true. No cultist, just a realist unlike the sheep who , well, are sheep
Krull":2ymrl090 said:
No suprise Cuntnutz and his libtard buddy Siteclown come in here with zero evidence like the clowns they are. Oh wait. Here comes Cuntnutz with a Reuters News Article in 3,2,1.

Haha you idiots are hilarious. I show actual proof and you clowns counter argue with BS and a picture of the Governor.


Proof? What proof, a video? idiot!

Republicans who stand by Trump are sheep and will die because of Trump
Sitedrifter":10qwhx82 said:

Republicans who stand by Trump are sheep and will die because of Trump
You've got Krull in uber-triggered mode! :lol: :LOL:
stanz":3rf9uby1 said:
Sitedrifter":3rf9uby1 said:

Republicans who stand by Trump are sheep and will die because of Trump
You've got Krull in uber-triggered mode! :lol: :LOL:

Krull is some guy who lives in his Mom's basement eating cheetos in his hometown, Trump Suburbia.
Krull":q2wmez4s said:
Yup. No suprise when I search "voter suppression in Texas" all I get is a bunch of Leftwing news outlets reporting it.

So he's limiting ballot boxes for mail in votes? How ironic. Since mail in voting is probably the biggest threat concerning voter fraud.

Only you could be stupid enough to troll yourself. :lol: :LOL:

I can only imagine what Krull thinks about when he goes to bed at night...

Boy, I sure owned Sitedrifter tonight! I should have tossed-in a few more clown memes, along with a homosexual innuendo. Oh well, I'll make up for it tomorrow. He's not getting away that easily!

Where most people want make others feel good, Krull the kind of charater who goes out of his way to make others feel bad. The emotion of joy is painful for people like Krull. This is the defining mark of a leftist.
stanz":3oxvlk1q said:
Krull":3oxvlk1q said:
Yup. No suprise when I search "voter suppression in Texas" all I get is a bunch of Leftwing news outlets reporting it.

So he's limiting ballot boxes for mail in votes? How ironic. Since mail in voting is probably the biggest threat concerning voter fraud.

Only you could be stupid enough to troll yourself. :lol: :LOL:

I can only imagine what Krull thinks about when he goes to bed at night...

Boy, I sure owned Sitedrifter tonight! I should have tossed-in a few more clown memes, along with a homosexual innuendo. Oh well, I'll make up for it tomorrow. He's not getting away that easily!

Where most people want make others feel good, Krull the kind of charater who goes out of his way to make others feel bad. The emotion of joy is painful for people like Krull. This is the defining mark of a leftist.

BA BAM mofo :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys:
Sitedrifter":2va1xzqf said:
stanz":2va1xzqf said:
Sitedrifter":2va1xzqf said:

Republicans who stand by Trump are sheep and will die because of Trump
You've got Krull in uber-triggered mode! :lol: :LOL:
Krull is some guy who lives in his Mom's basement eating cheetos in his hometown, Trump Suburbia.
You lying conniving Troll.

You've been banned everywhere as CharvelDan & this is WHY you hide like a soft cock pussy behind your sitedrifter burqa.

Only a gutless wimp would hide, be a man & take it on the chin. This is how you build actual character & garner public respect.

Until then keep wearing your mother's panties & bra......................... bitch.
Funny thing is, WGAF is the leader between him and Krull. Krull is second fiddle and runs errands for Wgaf. Some freedom huh?
Sitedrifter":2v3cr8gh said:
Funny thing is, WGAF is the leader between him and Krull. Krull is second fiddle and runs errands for Wgaf. Some freedom huh?




wow WGAF has some serious mental issues. He is :shocked: :shocked: infatuated with me in a very disturbing way. :hys: :hys:
Sitedrifter":183svxa8 said:
wow WGAF has some serious mental issues. He is :shocked: :shocked: infatuated with me in a very disturbing way. :hys: :hys:
I'm infatuated with your level of public deceit.

You insult ALL of us by the continual lie that you display.

Chew on that CharvelDan you loser liar.
This isn't as fun as it use to be. The insults are old, recycled, repetitive... We need a new hot-button topic.
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