The 00's were a hell of a time

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They were great . So many good bands . So many great songs . Return of shredding!
There's some good stuff from tthe 2000's..
Some cool 2000's stuff to me:

Appropriate message for today, I would say:
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All barely joking aside, I liked the 00's because there were a lot of gigs available and I capitalized on the death of the physical press kit by starting to book gigs electronically that I was shut out of before hand. I was young and crazy but I've balanced out the "less young" part with "more crazy" now. There were still a lot of oldies radio stations operating in Florida and I could ride a motorcycle without an endorsement with a dang loud open X-pipe on that bad boy to boot. I would get a couple beers in me and do 90 or 100 just depending on how many was "a couple" on the 25mph back stretch to where I was staying on vina at 2 or 3 a.m. You don't let rich people sleep, that would be wrong. There were bike nights constantly. I could almost live on free food as long as I had fuel in the tank and a working leg to kick it over with. Now it's just the Eagles and about four other bands on endless loop. No oldies=shit culture overtakes and Creed breaks up, lol. You have to have some doo-wop to balance things out or the pendulum tips towards Justin Beaver.

I used to play shows with Poison The Well down here, a few of those guys lived around the corner from me in Coral Springs. Not far from the New Found Glory guys, or where Twiggy and Marilyn Manson lived. They were all in the same 3-5 mile radius.

And yeah, that era was definitely the highlight years for me. I was playing in a prog metal band actually paying my rent with gig money for paying in dive bars, experienced more musical success than I most likely ever will again and got to get courted by some A&R guys before they were fired and stopped communicating, ushering in the death of the label as it had been known for decades prior.
I used to play shows with Poison The Well down here, a few of those guys lived around the corner from me in Coral Springs. Not far from the New Found Glory guys, or where Twiggy and Marilyn Manson lived. They were all in the same 3-5 mile radius.

And yeah, that era was definitely the highlight years for me. I was playing in a prog metal band actually paying my rent with gig money for paying in dive bars, experienced more musical success than I most likely ever will again and got to get courted by some A&R guys before they were fired and stopped communicating, ushering in the death of the label as it had been known for decades prior.
I used to live in coral springs and parkland, i used to see some of the new found glory guys at sam ash, also would see one of the guitar players from underoath at sam ash once and a while.
The 00’s was when I started adulting for real. I spent thousands on gear that I didn’t use and never listened to anything hardly.
I was in my own personal jail. I knew nothing after 1995 re: music. I hate to admit this but I can say that I know nothing from the above posted music and bands. It’s like I’m Kahn Singh and have woken up 100 years later and everything is different. ?. I guess ignorance is bliss.
I was in my own personal jail. I knew nothing after 1995 re: music. I hate to admit this but I can say that I know nothing from the above posted music and bands. It’s like I’m Kahn Singh and have woken up 100 years later and everything is different. ?. I guess ignorance is bliss.
Relative to the ‘50’s-90’s you’re not missing a whole lot.
City of Evil is a complete perfect album. . Shit so was their next album. . And I’m not a big fan
I used to live in coral springs and parkland, i used to see some of the new found glory guys at sam ash, also would see one of the guitar players from underoath at sam ash once and a while.

No shit! There’s several of us Broward folks here!

Back when NFG was getting big or already big, I was in a prog metal band and working at the Chili’s in Springs with a bunch of guys who played in an actual punk band, the NFG guys would come in we’d refuse to take their table and then walk around bitching about pop punk bullshit when if we were smart we’d have been out there handing them fucking demos. :LOL:
No shit! There’s several of us Broward folks here!

Back when NFG was getting big or already big, I was in a prog metal band and working at the Chili’s in Springs with a bunch of guys who played in an actual punk band, the NFG guys would come in we’d refuse to take their table and then walk around bitching about pop punk bullshit when if we were smart we’d have been out there handing them fucking demos. :LOL:
You mighta knew my friends seth who worked at sam ash, hector and gus, and derekb. Also used to know a deathmetal dude named julian. I also spent alot of time at MAE, tommy was a good friend of mine.
When i was a kid i used to skateboard everyday with rich thurston from Culture and a dozen other bands.
You mighta knew my friends seth who worked at sam ash, hector and gus, and derekb. Also used to know a deathmetal dude named julian. I also spent alot of time at MAE, tommy was a good friend of mine.
When i was a kid i used to skateboard everyday with rich thurston from Culture and a dozen other bands.

Did Hector work the drum section? For some reason I’m thinking my drummer at the time had a buddy there named Hector.
That whole Poison The Well album is so damn good. Had it on repeat for months when it came out. 18V was cool too.

they are severely underrated. the opposite of december is like the template for all the metalcore to come after it. i watched this the other day, its pretty cool

they are severely underrated. the opposite of december is like the template for all the metalcore to come after it. i watched this the other day, its pretty cool

Botchla is the best emo hardcored based song ever