The boat anchor Gibson Classic is gone and have a new Gibson Les Paul Studio inbound!

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Well, I decided that the Gibson Les Paul Classic i got as a backup for gigs really wasn't a smart idea. At 11 pounds, in my 50s, I probably would have looked like the Hunchback of Notre Dame in the span of a few months, lol.

I got rid of a Gibson Les Paul Studio a few months ago because it was a 24 fret and just didn't feel right for some reason. These new ones have Burstbuckers and some changes here and there and the one I grabbed is 8 pounds. I really dig Les Pauls but that Classic felt significantly heavier than my Standard.
I’m a dummy, the heavier the better…but I only play for the crowds in my head…. Happy NGD though. Pics?
I’m a dummy, the heavier the better…but I only play for the crowds in my head…. Happy NGD though. Pics?
I don't have the Studio yet, it is inbound. It was a nice guitar but I think the Standard is more my feel and weight.
I can’t play guitar sitting down so weight is a huge deal to me as well. Love the hunchback reference—I def have a bit of a hunch due to playing guitar. I don’t need it at all but I’m considering checking out a local R9 cause the guy is claiming it’s 8lbs
I can’t play guitar sitting down so weight is a huge deal to me as well. Love the hunchback reference—I def have a bit of a hunch due to playing guitar. I don’t need it at all but I’m considering checking out a local R9 cause the guy is claiming it’s 8lbs
I never thought about few pounds could make a difference but definitely does.

I've always loved that "thud" of a Les Paul but I think i need lighter stuff. I'm finally at that point, lol.
I actually prefer lighter guitars....

People who claim a 15lb guitar just automatically sounds better than a 8lb one are very interesting creatures.
Yeah if you could A/B 50 of each with exactly the same hardware and electronics you might be able to define a difference, but the major one would still be the slipped disc from gigging the heavy one.