The GOP's attempt to stop voters under 25 years of age ....

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Diary of a Axeman
Diary of a Axeman
Well-known member
Since Democracy is a threat to MAGA ( The GOP ), they want to raise the right to vote, to age 25 .

Pretty soon, Natives, Hispanics, African Americans, Women and now, people under 25 .
They are growing desperate, because nobody loves them anymore .
If they wreck the Economy , by delaying the Debt Ceiling vote .... they are finished.
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Hmmm. I truly wonder what is in store for the Republican party in the future. It has changed so much in my lifetime, whereas Democrats kind of seem the same as they've always been. Republicans have taken some serious turns, and I wonder if what they are doing is sustainable. Time will tell.
Hmmm. I truly wonder what is in store for the Republican party in the future. It has changed so much in my lifetime, whereas Democrats kind of seem the same as they've always been. Republicans have taken some serious turns, and I wonder if what they are doing is sustainable. Time will tell.
The Dems have moved to the Right since 1996, they're like Republican Lite , aka Corporate Democrats .
After MAGA further destroys the GOP to extinction.... Progressives will vote out the Corporate Dems .
The next Civil Rights Movement will be the Wealth Inequity / Austerity that the GOP has institutionalized since Ronald Reagan.
Democracy doesn't work for the GOP / MAGA, they getting lesser votes, with every Election....
They have definitely alienated young people with their tactics. This one won't pass, but talk about alienation. When I was a teenager getting to voting age, I didn't really care about politics. Now, young people are way more passionate about it. If I were a party lead, I'd be doing everything to cater to them.
The Dems have moved to the Right since 1996, they're like Republican Lite , aka Corporate Democrats .
You think so? I don't know if I see that. I do agree that progressive dems are on the rise big time and will vote out the corporate dems.
A sample of democrat voter fraud that happened in 2016 and the 2018 midterms, in 2020 it was 100 X worse.

DNC Primary Election Fraud Caught On Camera In San Diego
Voters In Pennsylvania Report ‘Hillary Only’ Machines
Video Evidence Of Biggest Election Fraud In U.S. History
DNC To Sue Trump For Telling Truth About ‘Election Fraud’
Election Fraud: Texas Votes Switched From Republican To Democrat
Ten Million Dead Voters Officially Registered To Vote in one state
Election Fraud Underway As NBC Post Fake ‘Results’
DNC Election Fraud Whistleblower Found Murdered
Chicago ID Card For Illegal Immigrants Accepted For Voter Registration
Millions of Dead And Illegal Voters Discovered In Key Swing State
New Evidence Proves Hillary Won Popular Vote ‘Fraudulently’
Mathematician Uncovers Widespread Election Fraud
Hillary Accused Of Defrauding Arizona Voters, Investigation Ordered
USPS Mail Carrier Charged With Fraud After Tampering With Mail.
Award-Winning Democrat Official Arrested On 6 Felony Charges of Election Fraud
Democrat Party Chief Charged with Forging Voter Ballots
California Ballot Harvesting Favored Democrats, Election Fraud Expert Says
Florida Dems Caught Illegally Altering Forms To Confuse Voters In 4 Counties
‘Rampant’ democrat Voter Fraud Reported Across U.S.
Voter Fraud: republican voter Pamphlets Found Dumped In Trash Can
Investigation: Largest Ever democrat Voter Fraud Scam Detected In Texas
Federal Investigator investigating democrat voter fraud Found Murdered
DOJ Insider: Barack Obama Encouraged Voter Fraud For 8 Years
Journalist To Hand Evidence Of Mass Voter Fraud To Trump
Mexican Admits To U.S. Voter Fraud – Faces 8 Years In Prison
Authorities: Serious Clinton Voter Fraud Discovered In Michigan
Four Democrats Arrested For Running Voter Fraud Ring
Voter Fraud: 670 Ballots Cast In Precinct With Only 276 Voters
Uncovered Voter Fraud In New Hampshire Tipped State For Hillary
Chuck Schumer Demands Immediate Shut Down Of Voter Fraud Investigation
Democrats Announce They Will Block Trump’s Voter Fraud Investigation
Democratic Party Found Guilty Of Voter Fraud
Voter Fraud: Four Identical Mail-In Ballots Pictured In California
Widespread Voter Fraud Detected In Democrat Florida County
Democrat Party Leader Funded Massive Voter Fraud Ring, Says AG
New Jersey Democrats Charged With Illegal Mail-In Voter Fraud
Obama Illegally Transferred DOJ Money To Clinton Campaign
Thousands Of Fake Ballot Slips Found Marked For Hillary Clinton
Obama Administration Set To ‘Oversee’ U.S. Elections
Voting Machine SHOCKER: Video Proof Election Is RIGGED!
Voting Machines Stolen In Georgia Day Before Election, GOP Furious
Ballot Box Left Inside Rental Car By Democrat Broward County Employee
Texas Democrats Caught Assisting Non-Citizens To Enrol to Vote
Philadelphia Election Official Admits To Rigging Votes For Democrats
Feds Discover Tampered Ballots By Democrats In Broward County
Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes is Funded by Soros
Democrats Paid Pennsylvania Election Officials to Stuff Ballot Box
Dead People Voting Early And Often For Hillary In Colorado
Man Proves Hacked Software Gave Hillary Stolen Votes
Computer Programmer Testifies He Was Hired To Rig Elections for democrats
Clinton Campaign Illegally Pay Halfway House Patients $300 To Vote
Voting Machine Caught Swapping Republican Ballot For Democrat
Republicans Have Proof PA Voting Machines Flipped Votes To Democrats
Democrats Arrested For Running Voter Fraud Ring In Mississippi
7, 000,000 Non-Citizens Are Registered To Vote In Blue Swing State
DNC Caught Registering Canadians To Vote In U.S. Election
New Californian Law Allows Illegal Immigrants To Vote Legally
Chuck Schumer Says Stopping Illegals From Voting Is ‘Racist’
Broward County Election Volunteer: I Saw Officials Duplicate Votes By Hand
Democrat Activists Caught Teaching Illegals How To Vote Twice
Bag Stuffed With Voter Forms Found Dumped in California
Mathematician Exposes massive democrat election Fraud.
They have definitely alienated young people with their tactics. This one won't pass, but talk about alienation. When I was a teenager getting to voting age, I didn't really care about politics. Now, young people are way more passionate about it. If I were a party lead, I'd be doing everything to cater to them.
That's the true indicator of the upcoming slow motion political suicide the GOP has been doing since 2001, helped steal the economic gain the working Poor and Middle Class gained in the Clinton years, did an Illegal War in Iraq ( like Putin in Ukraine ) caused the 2008 Economic Crash .

This guy became President with an Election Steal in 2000, with the help of Fox News , possibly allowed the 9-11 attack to happen to save his Presidency

Then this idiot below killed 1.3 million Americans with his poor response to the " Democratic Corona Virus Hoax ", passed a a tax give away to the Rich, destroyed the Recovery Obama created for America after G W.
Tried to Destroy the Will of the American People on 1-6-21, covered up his ties to Russia, his family made economic gains thru the Presidency with China and obstructed many investigations that he committed while being in the White House.

images (2).jpeg

Now you know why, the GOP is going extinct, " Death By MAGA " .
We should also limit citizen voters to property (land) owners, like most states did in the early days of the Republic. The Constitution left the decision of who had the right to vote to the states. Most states limited voting to property owners, And for many decades, the elected State officials chose their state's Senators...

You can thank Andrew Jackson for allowing non-property owners to vote.

Aren't history, truth, facts and reality informative!
We should also limit citizen voters to property (land) owners, like most states did in the early days of the Republic.

Early days being the reason the concept was viable.
Estimates are that pretty all private land in the US is currently owned by only about 35% of the current electorate.

You want to dis-enfranchise the other 65% or force the current 35% to start sharing - at a reasonable profit of course.
Early days being the reason the concept was viable.
Estimates are that pretty all private land in the US is currently owned by only about 35% of the current electorate.

You want to dis-enfranchise the other 65% or force the current 35% to start sharing - at a reasonable profit of course.
Donnie, I wouldn't hire you to build a fence on my property.

Early days being the reason the concept was viable.
Estimates are that pretty all private land in the US is currently owned by only about 35% of the current electorate.

You want to dis-enfranchise the other 65% or force the current 35% to start sharing - at a reasonable profit of course.

Donnie B Ridiculous nonsense.
Early days being the reason the concept was viable.
Estimates are that pretty all private land in the US is currently owned by only about 35% of the current electorate.

You want to dis-enfranchise the other 65% or force the current 35% to start sharing - at a reasonable profit of course.
The right to vote is not inalienable (i.e., not in the Bill of Rights). If you don't own property, you don't have a vested interest in the country, you're not a stakeholder. Just like shareholders who have a vested interest in a company are the only ones allowed to vote.

"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are even stupider than that." - George Carlin